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. 2020 Feb 24;59(4):965–991. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12372

Table 2.

Four‐factor solution for subjective definition of contact items (highest factor loadings in bold)

Items F1 F2 F3 F4
Chatting on the phone to a non‐British family member .752 .072 .046 −.001
Daily interaction with a non‐British friend or acquaintance .707 .086 −.002 .036
Having an informal conversation with a non‐British person you know .695 .253 .093 −.070
Having lunch at a cafeteria with a non‐British person .694 .196 .054 .047
Going out to dinner with a non‐British person .676 .054 −.024 .100
Chatting on the phone to a non‐British friend or acquaintance .654 .167 .142 −.030
Visiting your non‐British friend’s or acquaintance's home .649 −.030 −.075 .132
Skyping with a non‐British person .637 .073 .125 .096
Being served by a non‐British person in a shop or supermarket .167 .840 .230 .200
Purchasing a ticket from a non‐British person on a train or bus .154 .794 .217 .225
Ordering something to drink or eat from a non‐British person .176 .695 .290 .236
Receiving a marketing phone call from a non‐British person .154 .612 .267 .200
Giving money to a non‐British person who is begging .195 .511 .274 .280
‘Liking’ a post on Facebook/Twitter from a non‐British person .058 .245 .833 .087
Sharing/retweeting a non‐British person's post on Facebook/Twitter .021 .121 .813 .111
Commenting on a Facebook/Twitter post from a non‐British person .188 .307 .626 .077
Commenting on a Blog article posted by a non‐British person .152 .263 .618 .171
Looking at an online profile of a non‐British person −.124 .138 .558 .237
Feeling intimidated by a non‐British person passing you on the street −.047 .133 .228 .702
Being in a situation where a non‐British person scares you .101 .227 .025 .691
Making a negative gesture at a non‐British person .153 .307 .114 .650
Actively looking away/ignoring a non‐British person you know well .035 .042 .076 .569
Passing a drunken non‐British person on the street who shouts at you .031 .286 .313 .526
Eigenvalue 7.24 3.66 1.93 1.39
Explained variance 31% 16% 8% 6%
Cronbach’s alpha .88 .89 .85 .80