bi |
coherent scattering length for atom i
i, j, k, ... |
labels individual atoms |
k, k
(neutron) wavevector and its magnitude |
q, q
wavevector difference and its magnitude |
qx, qy, qz |
Cartesian components of q
r, r
point in 3D real space and its distance to the origin |
x, y, z
Cartesian components of r
intensity at detector, intensity per unit area |
IΩ(q) |
orientationally averaged intensity at detector |
ı |
−1 |
rD, rD
position of detector relative to sample; distance to detector |
Fourier transform of real-space function f
ψ(r) |
neutron wave function |
βLA(z) |
laterally averaged scattering length density, units length−2
total transverse scattering per unit area,
Fourier transform of β(z), units length−1
β(r) |
instantaneous scattering length density |
bulk solvent scattering length density |
B(r) |
scattering-length-weighted distribution of pair separations |
scattering-length-weighted distribution of pair separations, per unit area |
orientational average |
A |
area of a bilayer patch |
Lx, Ly, Lz
dimensions of a simulation box |