Candlestick plots of the Interface Patch Similarity (IPS),
as the Jaccard coefficient34,35 (A, C, E) and the Interface
Contact Similarity (ICS) quantified as the F1 score
(B, D, F) of the KIAS-Gdansk models of oligomeric targets (left pairs
of sticks) and other group models (right pairs of sticks) obtained
in the CASP12 (red) and CASP13 (green) experiments. Panels A and B:
all models; panels C and D: “Model 1” predictions; panels
D and E: best models (with the highest score as determined by CASP
assessors). The horizontal lines in the middle of each bar correspond
to the mean values; the bars range from the mean minus the standard
deviation to the mean plus the standard deviation, and the whiskers
correspond to the minimum and maximum values. The negative values
are clipped in all plots.