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. 2020 Sep 24;9:e62514. doi: 10.7554/eLife.62514

Table 1. Cryo-EM data collection, refinement, and validation statistics.

Metavinculin ABD‒F-actin
(EMDB-20844, PDB 6UPW)
α-catenin ABD‒F-actin
(EMDB-20843, PDB 6UPV)
Data collection and processing
Microscope Titan Krios Titan Krios
Voltage (kV) 300 300
Detector K2 Summit K2 Summit
Magnification 29,000 29,000
Electron exposure (e2) 60 60
Exposure rate (e/pixel/ s) 6 6
Calibrated pixel size (Å) 1.03 1.03
Defocus range (µm) ‒1.5 to ‒3.5 ‒1.5 to ‒3.5
Helical symmetry C1 C1
27.06 Å rise 27.03 Å rise
−167.07° twist −166.88° twist
Initial filament segments (no.) 237,503 540,533
Final filament segments (no.) 215,369 414,486
Map resolution (Å) 2.94 3.24
FSC threshold 0.143 0.143
Initial model (PDB ID) 3JBK, 3J8A 4IGG, 3J8A
Model resolution (Å) 2.98 3.28
FSC threshold 0.5 0.5
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) ‒58 ‒85
Model composition 5 actin protomers, 2 actin-binding domains
Non-hydrogen atoms 16,896 17,233
Protein residues 2152 2201
Ligands 5 Mg.ADP
B factors (Å2)
Protein 53.41 71.59
Ligand 47.29 56.65
R.M.S. deviations
Bond lengths (Å) 0.012 0.012
Bond angles (°) 0.860 0.833
MolProbity score 1.23 1.33
Clash score 3.32 4.63
Poor rotamers (%) 0.06 0.05
Ramachandran plot
Favored (%) 97.46 97.56
Allowed (%) 2.54 2.44
Disallowed (%) 0.00 0.00
EMRinger Score 4.40 3.87