Representative photomicrographs of Kidney sections of rats in different groups (Haematoxylin and Eosin stain X20). A, Control group: showing normal histologic architecture of kidney; glomeruli (G) and normal renal tubules {proximal convoluted tubules (P) and distal convoluted tubules (D)}. B, DS group: showing shrinkage of glomerular tuft with increase of Bowman’s space (head arrows), necrosis with pyknotic nuclei of glomerular cells (red arrows), coagulative necrosis of some proximal convoluted tubules (thick arrows), damaged distal convoluted tubules with hyaline and cellular casts (yellow arrows) and interstitial edema (star). C, EGLME group: showing normal histology as control group. D, DS + EGLME group: showing more normal glomeruli and normal renal tubules (proximal and distal convoluted tubules).