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. 2020 Nov;26(11):2701–2704. doi: 10.3201/eid2611.203219

Table 1. Comparison of patients and clinical respiratory specimens that were positive or negative by culture for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and duration of illness for patients with mild coronavirus disease, Hong Kong*.

Characteristic Culture positive, n = 16 Culture negative, n = 52 Total, n = 68 Statistical significance
Patients, n = 35
Asymptomatic 1 2 3 ND
Median age (range), y 39 (21–73) 38 (17–75) 38 ND
Concurrent condition
Clinical specimens
Median log10 viral load/mL†, n = 68

p<0.0001 by Mann- Whitney test
Viral load log10, range, n = 68
7.0–9.5 12 (75) 5 (10) 17 (25) p = 0.018 by Fisher exact test
6.0–6.99 3 (19) 8 (15) 11 (16)
5.0–5.99 1 (6) 6 (12) 7 (10)
33 (63)
33 (49)
Days after onset of illness when sample was collected, n = 68
1–2 8 (53) 7 (13) 15 (22) p = 0.00001 by Fisher exact test
3–8 8 (35) 15 (29) 23 (34)
30‡ (58)
30 (44)
Days after onset of illness when sample was collected from patients without or before antiviral treatment, n = 42
1–2 8 (50) 7 (27) 15 (36) p = 0.01 by Fisher exact test
3–8 8 (50) 9 (35) 17 (40)
9–67 0 10 (38) 10 (24)

*Values are no. (%) patients unless indicated otherwise. ND, not determined.
†Viral load below limit of detection for the assay was scored as 1 log10/mL.
‡Six of these patients were readmissions because of detection of virus RNA after discharge from isolation.