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. 2020 Oct 22;12:10439–10447. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S272420

Table 1.

Baseline of the Clinical-Pathological Characteristics Between of Two Cohorts

Characteristics Training % Validation % P-value
Number of patients 1010 49.3 1037 50.7
Age 50.8±10.8 50.0±10.2
Tumor locationa 0.069
UOQ 469 53.0 438 49.8
LOQ 122 13.8 138 15.7
UIQ 169 19.1 179 20.4
LIQ 61 6.9 51 5.8
Central 46 5.2 47 5.3
Others* 18 2.0 26 3.0
Clinical tumor sizeb 0.186
≤2.0 639 63.3 624 60.2
>2.0 371 36.7 413 39.8
Pathological type 0.102
IDC 864 85.5 902 87.0
ILC 24 2.4 24 2.3
Others** 122 12.1 111 10.7
Histologic grade 0.078
I 62 6.1 88 8.5
II 521 51.6 572 55.2
III 319 31.6 299 28.8
N.A.*** 108 10.7 78 7.5
ER c 0.099
Positive 788 78 777 74.9
Negative 222 22 260 25.1
PRc 0.915
Positive 661 65.4 681 65.7
Negative 349 34.6 356 34.3
Ki-67 0.234
<15% 244 24.2 298 28.7
15-30% 415 41.1 356 34.3
>30% 351 34.8 383 36.9
HER-2 receptor statusd 0.213
Positive 222 22 252 24.3
Negative 788 78 785 75.7
Multifocality 0.301
Unifocal 956 94.7 967 93.3
Multifocal 50 5.0 67 6.5
Multicentric 4 0.4 3 0.3
Lymph node status 0.053
Negative 769 76.1 893 86.1
Positive 241 23.9 144 13.9
Molecular subtype 0.110
Luminal 788 78.0 777 74.9
HER-2+ 91 9.0 122 11.8
TN 131 13 138 13.3

Notes: aIn the case of multifocal tumors or unifocal tumors involving more than one quadrant, the tumor locations are classified in the following priority order: upper outer quadrant (UOQ), central, lower outer quadrant (LOQ), lower inner lower quadrant (LIQ), and upper inner quadrant (UIQ). For example, the inner and central regions are divided into the central quadrant. The central and outer quadrants involved are classified as outer. If all quadrants are included, the tumor is classified as the outer upper quadrant. Others (other) are occult breast cancer or tumors that cannot be found by manual examination. bClinical tumor size assessment by preoperative ultrasound. cThe positivity of estrogen and progesterone receptors was defined as at least 10% or more immunostained cells. dPositivity for HER-2 was defined as HER-2 gene amplification using the fluorescence in situ hybridization by the HER-2/neu probe kit, or scoring >3 using the immunohistochemistry method. *Others: occult breast cancer or tumors that cannot be found by manual examination. **Others: mucinous carcinoma, infiltrating carcinoma with medullary characteristics, squamous cell carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, infiltrating micropapillary carcinoma, sieve carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, tubular carcinoma, etc. ***Some specific types of cancer are not histologically graded. N.A, not available.