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. 2020 Oct 21;9(10):3381. doi: 10.3390/jcm9103381

Table 2.

Studies on the long-term effect and preventive role of SLIT in allergic children.

Author, Year Type of Study Aim of the Study Allergen Extract Patients’ Age (y) Population (Total Patients, Active/Control Groups) AIT Duration (Months) Main Results
Novembre et al., 2004 [73] RCT Determine whether SLIT is effective in reducing ocular and nasal symptoms and the development of asthma in allergic children Grass pollen 5–14 113 (54/59) 4 SLIT ↓ seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms and ↓ the development of seasonal asthma
Marogna et al., 2008 [74] RCT Evaluate the clinical and preventive effects of SLIT in allergic children Grass pollen 5–17 216 (144/72) 36 SLIT reduced the onset of new sensitizations and mild persistent asthma and
↓ bronchial hyperreactivity
Valovirta et al., 2018 [75] RDBPC Investigate the effect of grass SLIT on the risk of developing asthma Grass pollen 5–12 812 (398/414) 36 SLIT ↓ the risk of experiencing asthma symptoms or using asthma medication
↓ Total IgE, ↓sIgE and SPT for grass pollen

RCT, randomized controlled study, SPT, skin prick test.