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. 2020 Aug 27;18(10):2532–2541. doi: 10.1111/jth.15031

Table 1.

Description of the included patients

Patient (Age, years; Sex) CCI Bleeding description Admission ‐ Reversal (minutes) Reversal ‐ Incision (minutes) Surgery performed Post‐reversal Blood Transfusion < 6 Hours Post‐Reversal Hemostatic Effectiveness In‐Hospital Mortality
73F 3 Groin hematoma after percutaneous catheter ablation 79 a N/a 2 Units Poor 0
78M 5 Esophageal perforation 106 61 Right VATS, endoscopy upper GI, exploration neck 0 Excellent 0
72M 3 GSW left abdomen, intra‐abdominal hemorrhage 73 −60 Exploratory laparotomy, thoracotomy, distal pancreatectomy, splenectomy, repair of gastric injury, diaphragm repair, splenic flexure takedown 46 Units Poor 1
53F 1 Subcapsular bleeding 91 30 Exploratory laparotomy, washout 19 Units Poor 0
83M 7 Hematemesis, arterial extravasation in Whipple surgical bed (26 days prior) 169 >60 Coil embolization of the proximal superior mesenteric artery branch. 0 Poor 0
81M 6 Blunt traumatic hemopneumothorax, retroperitoneal hematoma 66 61 Exploratory laparotomy, right medial visceral rotation, abdominal packing, bilateral internal iliac artery embolization 3 Units Poor 1
46M 1 Acute on chronic ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm 343 814 Reoperation ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm repair 2 Units Poor 0
76M 3 Hemopericardium, mass effect in the right atrium and right ventricle with distention of inferior vena cava, retrosternal hematoma 317 a 81 Mitral valve replacement, amputation left atrial appendage, isolation pulmonary vein, chest irrigation 0 Good 0
63F 4 Intra‐abdominal hematoma (5" x 5"). 404 N/a 0 Excellent 0
73M 11 Splenic rupture 59 300 Exploratory laparotomy and splenectomy, second look laparotomy, third look laparotomy with bowel resection 10 units Poor 1
85M 6 Blunt hemothorax 202 N/a 2 units Good 0
45F 0 Upper gastro‐intestinal bleeding 378 >30 Upper GI endoscopy 2 units Good 0
84M 4 Blunt traumatic prevertebral hematoma 175 1080 C4‐T1 Fusion 0 Good 0
69F 8 Cervical epidural hematoma 50 N/a 0 Good 1
90F 9 Traumatic thigh hematoma 131 N/a 2 Units Good 1
96F 10 Ruptured type B aortic dissection, hemothorax 63 N/a 0 Poor 1
59M 4 Upper GI bleeding 1 >150 Upper GI endoscopy 2 Units Poor 0
78M 6 Cervical prevertebral hematoma, airway deviation 103 1 Emergent prevertebral hematoma evacuation 0 Excellent 0
88M 10 Retroperitoneal bleed, gross hematuria, bladder perforation 83 N/a 0 Poor 1
95F 11 Type A aortic dissection into pericardium 207 N/a 2 Units Poor 1
50M 5 Upper GI bleeding 41 >60 Upper GI endoscopy 4 Units Good 0

Abbreivations: F, female sex; M, male sex; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; GI, gastrointestinal; GSW, gunshot wound; N/a, not applicable; VATS, video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery.


These patients were admitted to hospital prior to initiation of bleeding, the time listed indicates time between objective bleeding diagnosis to bolus infusion.