ISO1 has no effect on neurodegeneration at 3 days after FPI. We performed Fluorojade C (FJC) histological staining at 3-days after FPI. In (A), FJC-staining in peri-lesion cortex at 3 days after FPI + DMSO. In (B), FJC-staining in FPI + ISO mice also reveals robust numbers of degenerating cells. In (C), the graph of the means shows that ISO1 had no significant effect on the number of FJC-labeled cells after FPI. This is interesting because we had previously shown that antagonizing the cleaved form of CD74, CLIP, was neuroprotective after FPI. Therefore, is appears as though inhibiting full-length CD74 signaling via MIF antagonism with ISO1 is not neuroprotective, whereas antagonizing a cleaved form of CD74 is neuroprotective. Scale bars = 100 µm.