Figure 7.
Confocal images and flow cytometry analysis of the acidic vesicles formed in the cytoplasm of control HeLa cells (ShWT1) and tafazzin knockdown cells (ShTaz1). (a–c) Analysis of the three HeLa cell lines (ShWT1, ShTaz1 and ShTaz1R) stained with AO. (a) Acridine orange staining of the lysosomes and other acidic compartments. At the top, ShWT1 control cells and bottom, ShTaz1 tafazzin knockdown. (b) Histogram representation of the number of red vesicles per nucleus. Calculation from 10–20 image field as presented in Figure 6a,b. (c) Histogram representation of vesicle size in μM calculated in the same image fields as presented in Figure 6a,b. (d) Flow cytometry analysis of the accumulation of LysoTracker Green in arbitrary units (a.u.). (e) Flow cytometry analysis of staining by monodansylcadaverine (MDC, in arbitrary units). ns = no significant and *** is the p-value ≤ 0.001.