Figure 2.
a–c) SMT of EGFR on living A431 cells exposed to 0.05 nm of anti‐EGFR aptamer (MinE07) conjugated to Atto647N. a) Distribution of measured D values for MinE07 is shown in green. b) Examples of selected long trajectories for each of these four diffusive states are shown: Brownian (black), confined (green), directed (red), and immobilization (blue). Scale bar: 2 μm. c) Corresponding mean‐square displacement (MSD) plots for four different types of EGFR motion. d–f) Two‐color single‐molecule tracking on living A431 cells exposed simultaneously to 0.05 nm AF488‐conjugated MinE07 (EGFR, green) and 0.20 nm Atto647N‐Waz aptamer (TfR, magenta). d) Representative example of one acquisition frame is displayed. Scale bar: 5 μm. e) Examples of trajectories of single EGFR (green) or TfR (magenta) on the cell surface. Scale bar: 2 μm. f) Distributions of D values calculated for the two channels (EGFR in green and TfR in magenta).