Figure 4. DNA damage in response to metal treatment.
Jurkat cells were treated with metals at the indicated times and concentrations (μM). (A) Representative western blot showing pH2AX in Jurkat cells in response to metal treatment. (B) Bar graph depicting quantification of western blots by densitometry. pH2AX levels were normalized to β-tubulin and reported values are relative to the untreated control (NT). Graph represents mean ± SEM of 3 independent experiments. (C) Catalase mitigates Arsenic induced DNA damage. Jurkat cells were pretreated with catalase (Cat) for 30 min when indicated and treated with metal (10μM AS, 100μM UA) for 6h. Cells were fixed post-metal exposure and stained with pH2AX. Representative images for each treatment group are shown. Scale bar is 25 μm. (D) Bar graph depicting quantification of pH2AX intensity. Bars represent mean ± SEM of the intensity per nuclei of at least 3 images from each treatment group from 3 independent experiments, normalized to TBHP control. **p≤0.01.