Figure 4. Mmp2 is necessary for OA-mediated GSC increase.
(A–C, E) Frequencies of germaria containing 1, 2, and 3 GSCs (left vertical axis) and the average number of GSCs per germarium (right vertical axis) in virgin (V) and mated (M) female flies. c587>+ flies were used as the control. The number of germaria analyzed is indicated inside the bars. (A) Mmp2 RNAi by c587-GAL4 driver. (B) RNAi and the overexpression of Timp by c587-GAL4 driver. (C) Ex vivo culture experiment using c587 >Mmp2 RNAi. OA was added into the ex vivo culture medium. Cultured with or without OA (+OA, -, respectively) is indicated under each bar. (D) Quantification of the relative pMad intensity in GSCs of the ex vivo cultured ovaries normalized to pMad intensity in CBs. Cultured with or without OA (+OA, −) is indicated under each bar. For the quantification of pMad intensity, the cell boundaries of GSCs and CBs were determined using anti-Vasa staining (n > 15). The three horizontal lines for each data sample indicate lower, median, and upper quartiles. (E) Oamb, nvd, or Mmp2 RNAi in the genetic background of c587 >Insp3R overexpression. (F) A model of signaling in the escort cell to induce the mating-induced GSC increase. Oamb in the escort cells receives OA, and induce [Ca2+]i in the cells. The [Ca2+]i induces GSC increase via Mmp2. Ecdysteroid signaling is also involved in this process. Wilcoxon rank sum test with Holm’s correction was used. ***p≤0.001, **p≤0.01, and *p≤0.05; NS, non-significant (p>0.05). All source data are available in Source data 1 and 2.