A) Clonogenic assay showing inhibitory effect upon knocking out respective fitness genes in YAP1- and WWTR1-dependent lines. In BICR10 and HSC-2 knocking out of either YAP1 or WWTR1 with sgRNAs did not have any impact on clonogenicity. Experiment is performed in technical triplicate and repeated twice. Representative image of one technical repeat is shown. (
B) sgRNA level log fold change from triplicate CRISPR screens of SAS. Depletion were seen only in sgRNAs targeting exon 1–4 of YAP1, which were present in YAP1-MAML2 fusion protein, but not seen in sgRNA 6–6 which targets exon 6. Data are shown as mean ± SD (n = 3 biological repeats). (
C) Western blot to check efficacy of target protein knockout using CRISPR/Cas9 on SAS. Y1K is one of the sgRNA from the KY library v1, targeting exon 4, while Y2B is an independent sgRNA targeting exon 1 of YAP1. (
D) Co-competition assay results for SAS, validating its dependency on YAP1. Previous work by
Picco et al., 20192 revealed oncogenic fusion of YAP1 with MAML2 in SAS, rendering the cells to be dependent on the fusion protein. Both our genome-wide screening data and validation data have also confirmed the preferential dependency of SAS on YAP1, over its paralog, WWTR1. (
E) Clonogenicity assay confirmed preferential dependency of SAS on YAP1. (
F) qPCR of downstream target genes showed relatively stronger suppression when the fitness gene, YAP1 is depleted with sgRNA Y1K or Y2B. Data are shown as mean ± SD (n = 2 independent experiments with technical triplicates).