Figure 2.
Global Pipeline, TB Vaccines for Adolescents & Adults (October 2019). SSI, Statens Serum Institut; TBVI, TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative; ChadOx1/MVA, Chimpanzee Adenovirus, Oxford University #1 and Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara; PPE, family of Mtb genes; CMV-6Ag, cytomegalovirus vector expressing six Mtb antigens; OHSU, Oregon Health & Sciences University; CysVac2/Ad, Mtb fusion protein with novel adjuvant; ZMP, zinc metalloprotease deletion mutant; Ad5 Ag85A, human type 5 adenovirus vector expressing antigen 85A; GamTBVac, two Mtb fusion proteins with a novel adjuvant; MTBVAC, rationally attenuated Mtb clinical isolate; TB/Flu04L, live recombinant influenza vectored TB vaccine; BCG, Bacille Calmette-Guerin; IAVI, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative; ID93/GLA-SE, recombinant fusion protein in a lucopyranosyl lipid A stable emulsion; IDRI, Infectious Disease Research Institute; WT, Wellcome Trust; M72/AS01, recombinant fusion protein combined with the AS01 adjuvant system; GSK, GlaxoSmithKline; DAR-901, inactivated M. obuense; H56:IC31, recombinant fusion protein in a novel adjuvant; VPM1002, recombinant BCG; SII, Serum Institute of India; VPM, Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH; MIP, M. indicus pranii. Reprinted with permission from TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (12).