Fig 1.
Bullous pemphigoid. A, From case 1, a tense bulla on the thigh lacked the surrounding erythema typically seen in bullous pemphigoid. B, From case 1, (left) blistering of the epidermis on the abdomen produced large pink erosions lacking pigmentation; (right) after 2 months of treatment, the abdominal erosions were nearly fully re-epithelialized, but with significant hypopigmentation and a notable perifollicular pattern of repigmentation. C, From case 2, several urticarial plaques with peripheral erythema, vesiculation, and central hyperpigmentation were noted on the arm. D, From case 3, (left) hyperpigmented patches with central erosions were present on the chest and shoulder along with a few tense, fluid-filled bullae; (right) numerous hyperpigmented patches with peripheral vesiculation were noted on the back.