The effects of exercise and β AR blockade on the frequency and number of manufactured VSTs. Three bouts of exercise were performed by healthy participants (n = 12) after ingesting a placebo, a β1 AR antagonist (bisoprolol, 10 mg), or a β1 + 2 AR antagonist (nadolol, 80 mg) 3 h prior to exercise. VSTs were generated from cells obtained prior to drug ingestion and immediately following exercise. The percent change from pre- to post-exercise in the frequency of VSTs in the expanded cell populations (a–d) and in the total number of VSTs generated (e–h) for each drug trial are presented for (a, e) the total number of VSTs, determined by combining the number of VSTs to CMV, EBV, and AdV; (b, f) the number of VSTs to CMV, determined by combining the number of VSTs to IE-1 and pp65; (c, g) the number of EBV-specific T cells, determined by combining the number of VSTs to LMP2 and BMLF1, and (d, h) the number of AdV-specific T cells, determined by combining the number of VSTs to hexon and penton. Bars represent the median value. No significant differences were observed. VST = virus-specific T cell; CMV = cytomegalovirus; EBV = Epstein–Barr virus; AdV = adenovirus