Figure 2.
Antimicrobial cryogels have advantageous mechanical properties and microarchitectural features. A total of three types of cryogels were fabricated using 4% HAGM and different amounts of CP (0–0.2% CaO2). (a) swelling ratio, (b) Young’s moduli, and (c) evaluation of pore connectivity. Cross-sectional SEM images showing interconnected macroporous network of (d) CP-free cryogels (0% CaO2), (e) CP-containing (0.1% CaO2) cryogels, and (f) CP-containing (0.2% CaO2) cryogels. SEM samples (n = 3) were scanned and representative images have been presented. Cross-sectional SEM images for visualization of CP (pseudocolored in pink): (g) CP-free cryogel (0% CaO2), (h) CP-containing (0.1% CaO2) cryogel, and (i) CP-containing (0.2% CaO2) cryogel. Pore size distribution histograms of (j) CP-free cryogels (0% CaO2), (k) CP-containing (0.1% CaO2) cryogels, and (l) CP-containing (0.2% CaO2) cryogels. Scale bars = 100 µm (d, e, and f) and 50 µm (g, h, and i).