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. 2020 Sep 30;6(3):185–198. doi: 10.5114/ceh.2020.99509

Table 1.

Summary of 59 reported cases of intrahepatic splenosis from 1939 to 2019

No. Year First author Age/ Sex Reason for splenectomy Time* (years) Risk factor for HCC Clinical presentation Laboratory investigations# No. of lesions Location Size (cm) Initial diagnosis Confirmatory diagnosis
1 1993 Yoshimitsu [8] 51/F Banti syndrome 23 Cirrhosis Asymptomatic ALP elevated 1 S3 2.5 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
2 1997 Gruen [9] 38/F Trauma 20 Fatty liver Asymptomatic ALT, AST, ALP, bilirubin elevated 1 S3, S4 3.9 HCC/FNH Surgery (liver resection)
3 1998 D’Angelica [10] 38/F Trauma 20 Alcohol Asymptomatic ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, bilirubin elevated 1 S3, S4 2.5 Adenoma/FNH Surgery (liver resection)
4 1999 Foroudi [11] 59/F NM 47 Nil Upper abdominal pain and back pain Normal Multiple Right lobe NM Liver metastasis Tc-99m DRBC
5 2000 De Vuysere [12] 50/M Trauma 34 Nil Epigastric pain Normal Multiple S2 6 Hepatic splenosis Surgery (biopsy)
6 2002 Gamulin [13] 49/M Trauma 37 Nil Asymptomatic Normal 1 Left lobe 6.6 × 4.2 B-cell lymphoma Surgery (explorative laparotomy)
7 2002 Lee [14] 43/M Trauma 20 HBV Cirrhosis Asymptomatic Normal, except for INR 1 S6 3.5 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
8 2002 Pekkafali [15] 21/M Trauma 15 Nil Epigastric pain Normal 1 Left lobe 3.4 × 2.3 Hepatic splenosis Tc-99m DRBC
9 2003 Kim [16] 43/M Trauma 21 HBV Cirrhosis Asymptomatic Normal 1 S6 3 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
10 2004 Di Costanzo [17] 58/M Trauma 46 HBV Cirrhosis Abdominal pain AFP elevated 1 S2 4.8 HCC Needle biopsy, Tc-99m DRBC
11 48/F Trauma 41 HCV Cirrhosis Asymptomatic ALT, AST and AFP elevated 1 S3 3.1 HCC US-guided biopsy
12 2004 Kondo [18] 55/M Trauma 31 HCV Asymptomatic NM 1 S7 3.5 HCC/FNH/ haemangioma US-guided percutaneous biopsy
13 2006 Ferraioli [19] 40/M Trauma 28 HCV Asymptomatic Normal 1 S7 6 × 3.1 Hepatic splenosis US-guided biopsy
14 2008 Choi [20] 32/M Trauma 26 HBV carrier Asymptomatic AST elevated Multiple S4a, S6 1.0-3.0 HCC Surgery (explorative laparotomy)
15 2008 Grande [21] 41/M Trauma 35 Nil Asymptomatic Normal Multiple S7 0.5-4.5 Hepatic splenosis Tc-99m DRBC
16 2008 Imbriaco [22] 39/M Trauma 24 Nil Abdominal pain NM Multiple Left and right lobes, pancreatic tail, adjacent to upper pole of left 3.0 Neoplasm Surgery (explorative laparotomy)
17 2008 Lu [23] 59/M Trauma NM HBV Asymptomatic Normal Multiple S7, left lobe 1.2-2.2 Hepatic splenosis Tc-99m DRBC
18 2008 Nakajima [24] 41/M Trauma 21 Nil Incidental finding on work-up for acute enteritis NM 1 S6 NM Hepatic splenosis US-guided biopsy
19 2008 Yeh [25] 64/M Trauma 8 HCV Asymptomatic ALT, AST elevated 1 S6 2.5 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
20 2009 Hilal [26] 60/M Trauma 46 Cirrhosis Flu-like symptoms, loss of weight, loss of appetite LFT deranged, AFP elevated Multiple S7 2 × 2.5 and 4.5 HCC Explorative laparoscopy
21 2009 Kashgari [27] 52/M Trauma 30 HCV Cirrhosis Asymptomatic ALT, AST elevated 1 S7 2.1 × 1.5 HCC US-guided biopsy
22 2009 Menth [28] 43/M Trauma 25 HCV Cirrhosis Asymptomatic ALT, AST elevated Multiple S2 0.4-3.6 HCC Tc-99m DRBC
23 2009 Yu [29] 54/M Trauma 20 Nil Asymptomatic Normal 1 S2 4 Uncertain Surgery (liver resection)
24 2010 Mescoli [30] 68/F No splenectomy NA Cirrhosis Abdominal pain NM Multiple S3, S5, S7 6.2-11 FNH/ haemangioma Percutaneous biopsy
25 54/M Iatrogenic 12 Nil Asymptomatic NM 1 Left lobe 3 Liver metastasis Surgery (explorative laparotomy)
26 2010 Tsitouridis [31] 63/M Trauma 20 Nil RUQ pain NM 1 Left lobe 8 Splenosis CT-guided biopsy
27 64/M Gastric leiomyo-sarcoma 1.5 Nil Asymptomatic NM 1 NM 5 Peritoneal implantation CT-guided biopsy
28 2011 Kang [32] 54/M Trauma 15 Nil Asymptomatic Normal 2 S2 0.7 × 0.6, 2.3 × 1.9 Liver metastasis Surgery (liver resection)
29 2012 Li [33] 61/M Trauma NM Nil Asymptomatic NM Multiple NM NM Hepatic splenosis Needle biopsy
30 2012 Liu [7] 38/M Trauma 14 HBV Asymptomatic Normal 1 S2 3.3 × 2.7 Liver tumour Surgery (laparoscopic resection)
31 2013 Inchingolo [34] 53/M Trauma 33 NASH Asymptomatic GGT elevated 1 S3 3.5 HCC/adenoma Surgery (laparoscopic converted to open liver resection)
32 2013 Krawczyk [35] 39/F Trauma NM Nil Abdominal pain NM 2 S2, adjacent to major curvature of stomach 3.2 × 2.0 Adenoma Tc-99m DRBC
33 2013 Leong [36] 56/M Trauma NM Nil Chronic epigastric pain NM 1 S3 3.7 × 4.6 × 3.1 Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumour Surgery (liver resection)
34 2014 Kandil [37] 45/F Haemolytic anaemia 20 HCV Chronic abdominal pain Normal 1 Left lobe 5 × 4 HCC Surgery (explorative laparotomy)
35 2014 Sato [38] 58/M No splenectomy NA HCV Cirrhosis Asymptomatic ALT, AST, AFP elevated 1 Right lobe 3.9 × 3 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
36 2014 Tinoco Gonzalez [39] 60/M Trauma NM HCV Asymptomatic NM 1 S3 4.8 HCC/ Adenoma Surgery (liver resection)
37 2015 Grambow [40] 53/M Trauma 9 Alcohol Cirrhosis Incidental finding due to refractory ascites secondary to decompensated cirrhosis Normal 1 S3, S4b 3.5 HCC Surgery (laparotomy)
38 2015 Li [41] 67/F Trauma 5 HCV Cirrhosis Asymptomatic LFT deranged, AFP elevated 1 Left lobe NM HCC Surgery (explorative laparotomy)
39 2015 Liu [6] 33/M Trauma 30 Nil Asymptomatic Normal Multiple Left and right lobes 4.2 × 3.0 HCC FNA biopsy
40 2015 Tamm [42] 43/M Trauma NM Nil RUQ pain NM 1 S3 2.8 Nil Tc-99m DRBC
41 2015 Toktas [43] 40/F Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 7 Nil Asymptomatic, persistent low platelets NM 1 S2/S3 7.0 × 3.0 Nil Surgery (liver resection)
42 2015 Wu [44] 33/M Trauma 12 Nil Asymptomatic Bilirubin elevated 1 S2 3.5 × 2.0 HCC Surgery (explorative laparotomy)
43 2016 Fung [45] 55/M Trauma 37 Nil Asymptomatic Normal 2 S6, S7 2.27 × 3.04 and 1.15 × 1.21 Nil Surgery (liver resection)
44 2016 Chen [46] 51/M Trauma 20 Nil Asymptomatic NM 2 Left and right lobes 2.1; 3.3 × 2.6 HCC US-guided biopsy
45 2016 Jereb [47] 22/M Trauma 18 Nil Asymptomatic Normal Multiple S2, S6, S7 2.6 Liver metastases Surgery (explorative laparoscopy)
46 2017 Keck [48] 66/M NM NM Chronic HCV Asymptomatic Normal Multiple S7, S8 5.3 Nil Needle biopsy
47 2017 Somsap [49] 51/M Thalassemia 20 Nil Abdominal pain ALT, AST, bilirubin elevated 1 Left lobe NM HCC Surgery (liver resection)
48 2017 Wang [5] 54/M Trauma 23 Chronic HBV RUQ pain Normal 1 Right lobe 3.9 × 3.6 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
49 2017 Wang [50] 42/M Trauma 16 HBV, HCV, fatty liver Chronic low back pain Normal 1 S4 2.3 × 1.8 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
50 2018 Aramoana [51] 58/M Trauma 37 Nil RUQ pain Normal 1 S6 4.6 × 3.4 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
51 2018 Budak [52] 46/M Trauma 30 Nil NM NM 2 S6, S7 3.6 HCC/hepatic splenosis Tc-99m DRBC
52 2018 Guzman [53] 43/M Trauma 16 Nil Acute RUQ pain ALT, AST elevated 1 S2 2.5 Adenoma Percutaneous needle biopsy
53 2018 Smolen [54] 35/M Trauma 12 Nil Chronic abdominal pain Normal Multiple Left and right lobes 4.3 Adenoma/FNH Tc-99m DRBC
54 2018 Teles [55] 73/M NM NM Nil Low back pain CEA elevated Multiple Left and right lobes, lumbar spine 4.9 Primary or secondary neoplasia Surgery (open liver resection)
55 2018 Varghese [56] 50/M Trauma 40 Nil Asymptomatic NM 1 Right lobe, multiple extrahepatic nodules 3.0 Nil Contrasted CT scan resembling splenic enhancement and clinical judgement
56 2018 Vergara [57] 69/M Trauma NM Nil RUQ pain, dyspnoea, lower limb oedema Normal Multiple S6, near falciform ligament, left para-vesical space 6.5 × 4.6 Nil Needle biopsy
57 2018 Xuan [58] 54/M Trauma 5 Nil Asymptomatic Normal 1 S4 4.5 × 3.3 HCC Surgery (liver resection)
58 2019 Guedes [59] 68/M Trauma 44 Nil Chronic epigastric and right hypochondrium pain Normal 1 S6 3.0 HCC/Adenoma Surgery (laparoscopic liver resection)
59 2019 Luo [4] 41/M Trauma 21 Nil Asymptomatic 1 Right lobe NM HCC Surgery (explorative la

AFP – α-fetoprotein, ALP – alkaline phosphatase, ALT – alanine aminotransferase, AST – aspartate aminotransferase, CT – computed tomography, F – female; FNA – fine needle aspiration, FNH – focal nodular hyperplasia, GGT – γ-glutamyltransferase, HCC – hepatocellular carcinoma, INR – international normalized ratio, LFT – liver function test, M – male, NA – not applicable, NM – not mentioned, RUQ – right upper quadrant, S1-S7 – segments I to VII of the liver, Tc-99m DRBC – technetium-99m-tagged heatdamaged red blood cell scan, US – ultrasound


Time (years) refers to the interval after splenectomy to discovery of intrahepatic splenosis


Laboratory investigations refer to basic liver function test and tumour marker (AFP). Hepatitis B and C serology is not included