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. 2020 Sep 30;6(3):185–198. doi: 10.5114/ceh.2020.99509

Table 2.

Patterns of enhancement on imaging of all cases (n = 59) of intrahepatic splenosis from 1939 to 2019

No. Year Author CT findings MRI findings Angiography
1 1993 Yoshimitsu [8] Non-contrast: homogeneous low attenuation mass Contrast: enhanced from the periphery in the early phase, low attenuation in the delayed phase T1-W: homogeneously low intensity T2-W: not obtained PDI: high intensity Mass supplied by the left hepatic artery No definite neovascularity
2 1997 Gruen [9] Contrast: high-attenuation mass NA NA
3 1998 D’Angelica [10] Contrast: high-density mass NA NA
4 1999 Foroudi [11] Contrast: multiple foci of enhancing soft tissue densities NA NA
5 2000 De Vuysere [12] Non-contrast: slightly hypodense Contrast: homogeneously hyperdense in the arterial phase, isodense in the portal venous phase, and slightly hypodense in the late phase Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense Post-contrast (small iron oxide particles (SPIO-Endorem): remained slightly hyperintense relative to the hypointense liver NA
6 2002 Gamulin [13] Contrast: heterogeneous enhancement NA NA
7 2002 Lee [14] Contrast: early contrast enhancement and washout on delayed phase NA Tumour stained in segment 6 through the inferior phrenic artery No feeding vessel from hepatic or superior mesenteric artery
8 2002 Pekkafali [15] Non-contrast: slightly hypodense with prominent hypodense rim around the lesion Contrast: hyperdense in the arterial phase, isodense in the portal venous phase and hypodense in the equilibrium phase Pre-contrast T1-W: homogenously hypointense with hypointense rim Pre-contrast T2-W: isointense to liver with thin hypointense rim Post-contrast: hyperintense to liver NA
9 2003 Kim [16] Contrast: homogeneously well enhanced in the arterial phase and isodense in the equilibrium phase NA Mass supplied by inferior phrenic artery
10 2004 Di Costanzo [17] Contrast: arterial hypervascularization and rapid “washout” of the contrast medium on portal venous phase NA NA
11 Contrast: early enhancement on the arterial phase and complete “washout” of the lesion on portal venous phase NA NA
12 2004 Kondo [18] Contrast: low-density tumour in arterial phase, with vessels penetrating inside the tumour. Nearly homogeneous enhancement T1-W: low signal intensity T2-W: high signal intensity Hypervascular tumour supplied by the right hepatic artery
13 2006 Ferraioli [19] NA Contrast material-enhanced T1-W: liver tumour and accessory spleen were hypointense T2-W: liver tumour and accessory spleen were hyperintense NA
14 2008 Choi [20] Contrast: Lesion in segment IVa: slight enhancement during both the arterial and portal phase Lesion in segment VI: slight enhancement only in the portal phase Contrast: enhancement during arterial phase and slightly hyperintense signal in the liver parenchyma during portal phase Subtle tumour staining in segment IVa and no tumour staining in segment VI
15 2008 Grande [21] Non-contrast: slightly hypodense compared to the liver Contrast: hyperdense in the arterial phase and isodense in the portal phase NA NA
16 2008 Imbriaco [22] Non-contrast: hypodense Contrast: heterogeneous enhancement in the arterial phase, hypodense compared with the surrounding parenchyma during the portal and equilibrium phases Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense Pre-contrast T2-W: slightly hyperintense Post-contrast: nonhomogeneous enhancement during the arterial phase, hypointensity during the portal and equilibrium phases
17 2008 Lu [23] Non-contrast: two hypodense nodules Contrast: homogeneously hyperdense in the arterial phase, isodense in the portal venous phase, and slightly hypodense in the equilibrium phase. Pre-contrast T1-W: homogeneously hypointense Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense contrast (Gd-DTPA): global enhancement in arterial phase, isointense in portal phase
18 2008 Nakajima [24] Non-contrast: hypodense mass Contrast: strong enhancement at the early phase and pooling enhancement at the late phase T1-W: hypointense mass
T2-W: hypointense mass
19 2008 Yeh [25] Non-contrast: isodense Contrast: persistent homogeneous enhancement in the arterial and portal venous phases Pre-contrast T2-W: intermediate to high signal Plain phase: iso-signal in the plain phase Post-contrast: heterogeneous enhancement in the arterial phase and persistent homogeneous enhancement in the portal venous phase Tumour stain with blood supply via perirenal vessel
21 2009 Kashgari [27] NA Pre-contrast T1-W: mildly hypointense Pre-contrast T2-W: homogenously hyperintense Contrast (gadopentetate dimeglumine): heterogenous early arterial enhancement, isointense in porto-venous and equilibrium phase NA
20 2009 Hilal [26] Contrast: hypervascular nodule with increased enhancement in the venous phase Contrast (gadolinium): hypervascular nodule in arterial and portal venous phase NA
22 2009 Menth [28] NA Contrast (Gd-DTPA): marked enhancement in early arterial phase Contrast (SPIO) T2-W: lacks iron uptake Regular branches of hepatic artery No pathologic vessels or parenchymal foci of hypervascularity
23 2009 Yu [29] Contrast: strong and slightly inhomogeneous enhancement in the arterial phase, diminished enhancement in the portal venous phase T1-W: hypointense T2-W:
24 2010 Mescoli [30] Contrast: hyper-enhancement in arterial and portal phases The largest nodule showed a hypodense central (necrotic) area NA NA
25 Contrast: hypervascular nodule NA NA
26 2010 Tsitouridis [31] Non-contrast: slightly hypodense Contrast: increased enhancement during arterial phase with hypodense rim surrounding lesion. Lesion is isodense during portal phase Pre-contrast T2-HASTE: intermediate-to-high signal intensity Post-contrast T2-HASTE: homogeneous enhancement with imaging characteristics of an extrahepatic-intraperitoneal lesion NA
27 Contrast: hypodense with peripheral enhancement in both arterial and portal phases Pre-contrast T2-HASTE: intermediate-to-high signal Post-contrast T2-HASTE: delayed peripheral enhancement Coronal plane: imaging characteristics of an extrahepatic lesion mimicking peritoneal implantation NA
28 2011 Kang [32] No parenchymal abnormality in liver T1-W: low signal intensity T2-W: slightly high signal intensity slightly high signal intensity on the SPIO-enhanced T2-W: high signal intensity NA
29 2012 Li [33] Non-contrast: isodense masses mirroring residual spleen Contrast: enhancement in both hepatic mass and residual spleen Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense Contrast: heterogeneous enhancement in arterial phase NA
30 2012 Liu [7] Non-contrast: homogeneous soft tissue mass with surrounding low-density aureole Contrast: slightly lower density than the liver especially in arterial phase NA NA
31 2013 Inchingolo [34] Contrast: marked enhancement in arterial phase, remained hyperdense in portal venous phase Post-contrast (gadolinium): increased arterialization after gadolinium injection with some loss of signal in the in-phase, indicating hemosiderin accumulation in the tissue DWI: restricted diffusion within the lesion NA
32 2013 Krawczyk [35] NI Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense lesion in liver, with additional lesions dorsal to stomach that looks typical for regenerate spleen tissue Post-contrast T1-W: homogeneous enhancement
33 2013 Leong [36] Hypervascular lesion Non-cystic irregular lesion with features suggestive of neuroendocrine tumour
34 2014 Kandil [37] Contrast: enhancement in arterial phase NA NA
35 2014 Sato [38] Contrast: slightly inhomogeneous enhancement in arterial phase, with diminished enhancement in the equilibrium phase Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense Post-contrast (Gd-EOB): hypointense compared to surrounding liver parenchyma NA
36 2014 Tinoco NA Hypervascular lesion NA
[39] Contrast: homogeneous enhancement in arterial phase, with
lavage in the portal phase and equilibrium
37 2015 Grambow Contrast: hypervascular mass with enhancement typical for HCC NA NA
38 2015 Li [41] Contrast: strong homogeneous enhancement in arterial phase and Pre-contrast T1-W: slightly hyperintense Hypervascular tumour supplied by the
hypodense during portal phase Pre-contrast T2-W: slightly hyperintense branches of the hepatic artery
Post-contrast T2-W: hyperintense during arterial phase and
hypointense during the portal phase
39 2015 Liu [6] NI T2-W: intermediate-to-high signal intensity NA
40 2015 Tamm Non-contrast: slightly hypodense Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense
[42] Contrast: hypodense during arterial phase and hyperdense during Pre-contrast T2-W: mildly hyperintense
portal venous phase Post-contrast: no brisk arterial enhancement was present after
contrast administration. Presence of homogeneous enhancement
at 1 minute, with central washout and a residual rim of peripheral
enhancement at 5 minutes
41 2015 Toktas [43] Isodense with spleen NA NA
42 2015 Wu [44] Non-contrast: homogeneous hypodense mass T1-W: low signal intensity NA
T2-W: high signal intensity
43 2016 Fung [45] Contrast: early arterial enhancement with Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense NA
contrast washout in delayed phase Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense
Post-contrast T2-W: enhancement in arterial phase followed by
washout in delayed phase
44 2016 Chen [46] Contrast: marked Pre-contrast T1-W: low signal intensity NA
enhancement at arterial phase and delayed phase Post-contrast T1-W: lower enhancement after contrast
45 2016 Jereb [47] Contrast: hypodense lesions in portal phase Post-contrast T1-W: hypointense in both arterial and late phase NA
Post-contrast T2-W: hyperintense during arterial phase,
hypointense in late phase
46 2017 Keck [48] NA Arterial enhancement with washout NA
47 2017 Somsap NA Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense NA
[49] Post-contrast T1-W: heterogenous enhancement during arterial
phase, more homogeneous in portal and delayed phase
48 2017 Wang [5] Non-contrast: hypodense Pre-contrast T1-W: slightly hypointense NA
Contrast: strong homogeneous enhancement in arterial phase and Pre-contrast T2-W and DWI: high signal intensity
hypodense during portal phase Post-contrast T2-W: uneven enhancement with decreased signal
49 2017 Wang [50] Contrast: marked homogeneous enhancement in arterial and portal Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense NA
venous phase, with diminished enhancement in the equilibrium phase Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense
Post-contrast: moderate homogeneous enhancement with marked
delayed ring enhancement mimicking a pseudocapsule similar to
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in equilibrium phase
50 2018 Aramoana Contrast: enhancement in arterial phase Post-contrast T2-W: peak enhancement at 60 s and washout NA
[51] at 10 min
51 2018 Budak NA T2-HASTE: hyperintense NA
[52] Post-contrast T1-W: hepatic lesion showed marked enhancement
in arterial phase. Multiple nodule formations in peritoneal cavity
similarly showed similar contrast uptake pattern
52 2018 Guzman NI NI NA
53 2018 Smolen Non-contrast: multiple isodense lesions NA NA
[54] Contrast: hyperenhancement in arterial phase, iso- to
hypoenhancement in portal and delayed phase)
Carcinoma could not be ruled out
54 2018 Teles [55] NI NI NA
55 2018 Varghese Contrast: heterogeneous “arciform” enhancement in arterial phase, NA NA
[56] with continued homogeneous enhancement in delayed phase with
slow washout
56 2018 Vergara Contrast: mild enhancement in arterial phase Pre-contrast T1-W: low signal intensity NA
[57] Pre-contrast T2-W: slightly hyperintense
Post-contrast T1-W: lower enhancement compared surrounding
liver parenchyma
57 2018 Xuan [58] Non-contrast: slightly hypodense Pre-contrast T1-W and T2-W: slightly hypointense NA
Contrast: inhomogeneous enhancement during arterial phase and DWI: slightly hyperintense
diminished enhancement during the portal and equilibrium phase Post-contrast: strongly heterogeneous and hyperintense during
the arterial phase and relatively hypointense during the portal
58 2019 Guedes NA Pre-contrast T1-W: hypointense NA
[59] Pre-contrast T2-W: hyperintense
Post-contrast: increased vascularity and washed out during late
venous phase
59 2019 Luo [4] Non-contrast: multiple hypodense lesions NA NA
Contrast: enhancement during arterial phase with hypodense rim

CT – computed tomography, DWI – diffusion-weighted imaging, Gd-DTPA – gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, Gd-EOB – gadoxetic acid, HCC – hepatocellular carcinoma, MRI – magnetic resonance imaging, PDI – proton density image,

SPIO – superparamagnetic iron oxide, T1-W – T1-weighted, T2-W – T2-weighted

NA – not applicable, NI – no information on enhancement pattern