FIG 6.
Structural comparison of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerization (RdRp) domain. (A to E) The ribbon representations of the RdRp domain of the Rhabdoviridae (VSV and RABV), Pneumoviridae (HRSV and HMPV), and Paramyxoviridae (HPIV) L in conventional orientation. The structural motifs finger, palm, thumb, and support region are in blue, red, green, and gray, respectively. The tri-residues (GDN) of the RdRp active sites at a β-hairpin tip of the palm motif are shown in magenta spheres. (F and G) Similarities of the Mononegavirales RdRp domain to other viral polymerases. Structures of the polymerases of reovirus λ3 (ReoV; PDB: 1MUK) and influenza B (FluB; PDB: 4WRT) are shown as the same orientation and coloring scheme as in A. The PDB accession codes are underlined.