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. 2020 Oct 20;7:2382120520965249. doi: 10.1177/2382120520965249

Table 2.

Accommodations provided, by school type.

All DO schools 2020 (n = 23)a All MD 2019b (n = 84)a
No. Percentc No. Percentc
Didactic Accommodationd
 Testing 23 100.0 84 100.0
 Facilitated learning 15 65.2 65 77.4
 Ergonomice 3 13.0 30 35.7
 Programmatic accommodationf 3 13.0 19 22.9
 Housingg 3 13.0 25 39.0
Clinical Accommodation
 Testingh 14 60.9 63 75.0
 General clinicali 5 21.7* 57 68.7*
 Modified clinical procedurej 4 17.4 31 36.9
 Hearing relatedk 2 8.7 8 9.5
 Other 0 0.0 23 27.7

Significant at P < .001.


Data are reported for schools (whose institutionally-designated disability professionals reported complete accommodation data.


Data for comparison taken from Meeks et al.2


Percents do not add up to 100 as each school provides several different types of accommodation.


Didactic testing refers to extra time used for exams, use of low distraction or private environments, and testing breaks. Facilitated learning refers to flexible attendance, note takers, Livescribe Pen, recorded lectures, textbooks in alternate formats, text-to-speech, speech-to-text computer programs.


Ergonomic refers to ergonomic evaluation and equipment.


Programmatic Accommodations refers to exceptions from program structure such as decelerated curriculum.


Housing refers to living accommodations such as single room housing, release from housing, assistance or service animals, and reserved parking.


Clinical testing refers to extra exam time within the clinic or an exam reduced distraction environment.


General clinical refers to clinical placement, decelerated clinical year, release from clinic to attend appointments, and release from overnight call.


Modified clinical procedure includes assistive technology, use of a scribe, ability to perform procedural skill or clinical competency in simulation lab and intermediary or assistant to facilitate patient exam.


Hearing-related refers to use of transcriptionist, Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART), sign language interpreter, specialized phone, and specialized pager.