Table 1.
Result of mass spectrometric analysis of Shank3 N-terminus postsynaptic interaction partners
Protein names | Gene names |
Armadillo repeat protein deleted in velo-cardio-facial syndrome | Arvcf |
14-3-3 protein sigma | Sfn |
Catenin alpha-1 | Ctnna1 |
Versican core protein | Vcan |
Probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase FAF-X | Usp9x |
Arf-GAP with GTPase, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 3 | Agap3 |
Pancreatic alpha-amylase | Amy2 |
SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 3 | Shank3 |
Catenin delta-2 | Ctnnd2 |
Dynactin subunit 1 | Dctn1 |
Myosin phosphatase Rho-interacting protein | Mprip |
Cadherin-2 | Cdh2 |
F-box only protein 41 | Fbxo41 |
Rho GTPase-activating protein 39 | Arhgap39 |
Disks large-associated protein 4 | Dlgap4 |
Synaptosomal-associated protein 47 | Snap47 |
Claudin-11 | Cldn11 |
Ras/Rap GTPase-activating protein SynGAP | Syngap1 |
Voltage-dependent N-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1B | Cacna1b |
Arf-GAP with GTPase, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 2 | Agap2 |
Disks large homolog 3 | Dlg3 |
SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1 | Srcin1 |
Catenin beta-1 | Ctnnb1 |
Disks large homolog 4 | Dlg4 |
Voltage-dependent R-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1E | Cacna1e |
Catenin delta-1 | Ctnnd1 |
Latrophilin-1 | Lphn1 |
Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 1 | Sorbs1 |
Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 2 | Bai2 |
The isolated postsynaptic fraction from mouse brain was subjected to affinity purification with either His6-SUMO/Shank3 N-terminal fusion proteins or His6-SUMO as negative control. Both sets of samples were analysed by mass spectrometry. The label free quantification (LFQ) intensity signals obtained from the negative control samples were divided by the LFQ intensity signals obtained from the Shank3 N-terminus purified samples. Partners with the highest residual LFQ intensity signals are listed. Proteins of the catenin and cadherin families are highlighted in yellow. A similar result was obtained in four separate purifications, two with the complete N-terminus (shown here) and two with the Ank repeats of Shank3 only