The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) pandemic has prompted graduate medical education (GME) programs to revisit the concept of virtual interviews for applicants given uncertainty over the duration of social distancing measures and travel restrictions. A “virtual interview” refers to the process of conducting interactions over a video‐conferencing platform instead of the traditional model of traveling to an on‐site location with face‐to‐face interactions.
The interview for GME training programs has multiple purposes. While the evidence is mixed regarding its predictive value for training outcomes, the interview interaction is weighted heavily by program directors in their decisions regarding applicant selection 1 , 2 The interview is felt to provide insights into applicants’ interpersonal communication skills and professionalism, which are otherwise poorly represented in application materials. 3 From the applicants’ and programs’ perspectives, the interviews and surrounding recruitment events provide critical information for their decisions including highly valued casual interactions. 4 , 5
Given the emphasis placed on the interview and surrounding interactions by the primary stakeholders of the recruitment process, it is important to understand the strengths and limitations of any transition to a virtual platform. The current model of in‐person interviews already has a number of challenges beyond the current pandemic, including high costs as well as significant time commitments and scheduling limitations. 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 In light of recent recommendations by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to transition to virtual interviewing during the COVID‐19 pandemic and potentially beyond, this paper summarizes the existing knowledge base regarding virtual interviews and proposes potential best practices for programs. 10
There are several published examples of virtual interviews in GME. Applicants to a single urology program completed a crossover study with both video and in‐person interviews. The authors identified benefits to the video interview in terms of time and cost. Participants overall reported reduced ability to represent themselves in the virtual interaction; however, they favored continuing it as an adjunct to in‐person interviews. 11
A 2014 study of gastroenterology fellowship applicants had four in‐person interviews and a single video interview with a remote faculty member. Eighty‐one percent of applicants agreed that their video interview met or exceeded expectations. Twenty‐five percent responded that their video interview was at least equivalent to their in‐person interview, and 87% agreed that video interviews should continue. From these findings, the authors concluded that Web‐based video conferencing has the potential to be an effective screening tool or an acceptable alternative to in‐person interviews. 12
An observational study at an anesthesiology residency program allowed applicants to complete either face‐to‐face interviews (75%) or video interviews (25%). The study noted a higher proportion of nonlocal applicants in the video pool who were also more likely to complete a later campus visit. The follow‐up survey showed selection of the video format was driven by geographic and travel concerns as well as conflicts with interview dates. Only 4.2% of applicants who selected face‐to‐face interviews worried that a video interview would negatively impact their chances of matching. Similar proportions from both groups were in the top half of the rank list and in their matched class. Overall, the video participants felt the virtual interview met or exceeded their expectations. 13
Virtual interviewing has been more extensively used in business than medicine. These fields may provide transferrable insights and lessons for conducting residency virtual interviews. Hospitality managers favored video interviewing for convenience and cost savings, but found it disadvantageous due to the lack of in‐person contact and potential technological malfunctions. 14 Another older study found that the number of job offers positively correlated with face‐to‐face interviews. 15 However, a recent study of medical school admissions demonstrated equivalent acceptance rates between the two interviewing methods. 16
The research world also provides insights into differences in interviewer–interviewee dynamics with the virtual format. Krouwel et al. found similar interview content but longer duration of in‐person interactions. 17 The interviewer also spoke substantially more during in‐person interviews. Overall, they slightly favored in‐person interviews for qualitative research studies due to the increased richness of interview content. Another clinical research study suggested that interviewees of younger age and higher education levels may prefer video interviews. 18
Although distinct from a synchronous virtual interview and no longer utilized within emergency medicine residency applications, the standardized video interview (SVI) developed by the AAMC provides valuable processes to inform virtual interviews in GME. The SVI was intended to provide information about interpersonal communication skills and professionalism to allow for screening of applicants. Key elements include attention to unconscious bias with the use of trained raters. 19 , 20 It was field tested for 2 years prior to its cancellation due to lack of prognostic value. 21 Our intent is not to advocate for the return of the SVI, but rather to acknowledge insights gained.
Applicants participating in virtual interviews may accrue advantages such as time, finance, and flexibility; however, disadvantages are also present such as the inability to tour the campus, loss of meaningful casual interactions, and the introduction of potential biases. The key advantages and disadvantages of virtual interviews are described in Table 1.
Table 1.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Interviews to Applicants and Programs
Advantages | Disadvantages |
GME = graduate medical education.
All interviewers, regardless of mode of interaction, require training in unconscious bias. This may have particular importance with virtual interviews as the video format may introduce novel information about the applicant from glimpses of their environment including religious symbols, evidence of family structure, or the physical state of their environment, which may reflect socioeconomic status. In addition, novel biases may occur such as bias against the applicants who appear to struggle with technology or prefer one format over the other.
Virtual interviewing offers substantial advantages for both applicants and programs in the current environment. We propose the following best practices for GME programs planning to implement virtual interviews. These recommendations fall within broad categories including use of technology, interview format, and social interactions, which are listed in Table 2.
Table 2.
Best Practices for Implementing Virtual Interviews
Use of technology
Interview format and schedule
Social interactions
Although virtual interviews may not completely replace in‐person interactions for GME interviews, they may offer distinct advantages including lower cost, reduced travel, and scheduling flexibility. The existing literature demonstrates that even prior to the COVID‐19 pandemic, virtual interview strategies have shown promise. However, virtual interviews are not without potential pitfalls. Additional research needs to rigorously assess the impact of virtual interviews on all stakeholders and the GME selection process. We proposed some initial best practices for programs as they seek to trial this approach. However, truly effective and fair incorporation of virtual interviewing will require the NRMP to explicitly provide guidelines and adapt its existing regulations around “second looks” and postinterview communication. 22 The uncertain future of social distancing restrictions and financial consequences of the pandemic will force training programs to adapt in the short term. Even when society returns to “normal,” there will still be a role for virtual interview strategies. Virtual interviews can offer a number of advantages to residency programs and applicants, either in isolation or as part of a hybrid model.
AEM Education and Training 2020;4:443–446
The authors have no relevant financial information or potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
Author contributions: acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of the data, and drafting of the manuscript—MD, MRCH, and LRH; critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content—MD, MRCH, LRH, MG, JBH, and RDH.
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