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. 2020 Oct 6;9:e57246. doi: 10.7554/eLife.57246

Table 1. Demographic and clinical data of participants (n = 25).

Participant Sex Race* Ethnicity Status at diagnosis Age§ Years suppressed Hiv-1 RNA** Nadir CD4 Mean IUPM [n]†† HLA type
00231 M C NH A 66 9.66 1.5E+07 277 0.839 [1] A*11:01, A*24:02, B*35:TDS‡‡‡, B*35:02, C*04:01, C*04:01
00250 M C NH A 48 7.44 6.8E+05 403 0.318 [3] A*01:01, A*31:01, B*27:03, B*44:02, C*02:02, C*06:02
00531 M C NH C 52 14.87 3.8E+05 81 1.372 [5] A*02:01, A*02:01, B*07:02, B*44:02, C*03:04, C*07:02
00546 M C NH C 56 20.09§§ N/A 195 0.453 [2] A*02:01, A*32:01, B*15:01, B*40:01, C*02:02, C*03:04
00673 M C NH C 49 8.05 3.2E+05 168 0.790 [4] A*24:02, A*30:02, B*15:17, B*18:01, C*05:01, C*07:01
00674 M C NH C 57 6.25 6.8E+04 338 2.064 [5] A*02:01, A*03:01, B*07:TDVB§§§, B*40:01, C*03:04, C*07:02
00720 M C NH C 25 2.96 4.0E+05 168 0.499 [4] A*01:01, A*02:01, B*07:02, B*18:01, C*07:02, C*12:03
00728 M C NH C 30 6.00 1.8E+04 354¶¶ 0.676 [6] A*02:01, A*03:01, B*07:02, B*40:02, C*02:02, C*07:02
00749 M AA NH C 25 4.10 N/A 402 0.365 [2] A*03:01, A*30:02, B*15:03, B*40:01, C*02:10, C*03:04
00773 M C NH A 46 2.01 2.4E+04 234 0.233 [1] A*02:01, A*11:01, B*18:01, B*51:01, C*01:02, C*02:02
00833 M AA NH C 36 8.16 7.9E+03 358*** 0.048 [1] A*02:02, A*74:01, B*15:16, B*82:01, C*03:02, C*14:02
00834 M AA NH C 25 2.15 2.1E+04 365 0.479 [1] A*02:05, A*30:02, B*51:01, B*58:01, C*04:01, C*16:01
00848 F C NH C 44 4.78 1.4E+04 800 0.022 [1] A*01:01, A*30:02, B*08:01, B*18:01, C*05:01, C*07:01
00870 M C NH C 54 5.28 5.3E+04 154††† 1.400 [1] A*11:01, A*24:02, B*35:01, B*55:01, C*03:03, C*04:01
00879 F AA NH C 54 1.60 4.5E+02 612 0.093 [1] A*03:01, A*33:01, B*14:02, B*58:02, C*06:02, C*08:02
00926 F AA NH C 38 3.83 1.3E+05 508 0.262 [1] A*02:02, A*02:05, B*:39:10, B*45:01, C*12:03, C*16:01
00929 F AA NH C 61 1.77 1.9E+04 528 0.268 [1] A*01:01, A*74:AB****, B*15:MJMN¶¶¶, B*81:AB****, C*02:10, C*18:01
00930 M C NH C 53 2.70 6.4E+05 174 2.084 [1] A*01:01, A*11:01, B*08:01, B*40:01, C*03:04, C*07:01
00937 F AA NH C 45 5.84 8.8E+04 260 1.276 [2] A*03:01, A*30:01, B*35:01, B*52:01, C*04:01, C*16:01
00941 F C NH C 47 14.58 6.6E+03 12 1.50E-08‡‡[1] N/A
01014 F C H C 52 19.85 1.2E+06 16 0.338 [1] A*23:01, A*74:01, B*07:02, B*41:02, C*15:05, C*17:03
01086 F AA NH C 30 5.81 N/A 320 0.0529 [1] A*02:05, A*03:01, B*07:06, B*53:01, C*04:01, C*07:02
01095 F C NH C 54 6.56 1.1E+05 88 2.528 [1] A*03:01, A*31:01, B*40:01, B*44:02, C*03:04, C*05:01
10430 M C NH C 59 9.47 8.1E+04 78 1.367 [5] A*02:01, A*30:01, B*13:02, B*51:01, C*06:02, C*14:02
20296 M C NH A 35 6.90 2.5E+04 427 1.50E-08‡‡ [1] A*29:02, A*31:01, B*08:01, B*44:03, C*07:01, C*16:01
Mean: 46 7.22 8.6E+05 293 0.775
Range: 25–66 1.6–20.10 4.5E+02-
12–800 1.50E-08–2.528

* C: White/Caucasian, AA: Black/African American.

NH: Non-Hispanic; H: Hispanic.

A: Initiation of ART during acute HIV-1 infection, prior to establishment of setpoint viremia; C: Initiating of ART during chronic HIV-1 infection.

Durable suppression defined as time from ≤ 40 copies/ml to date of T cell measurement.

** HIV-1 RNA at start of combination ART.

†† IUPM (infectious units per million). Mean of IUPM measurements over 2 years from date of T cell mapping.

‡‡ Below the limit of detection.

§§00546 on monotherapy from 1985 to 1996, initiated combination ART in 1996. Years suppressed calculated from data of initiation of cART.

¶¶ CD4 count 261 on 8/17/17 (after cell collection date).

***Lowest CD4 value, CD4 nadir before ART initiation is 567.

†††Lowest CD4 value, CD4 nadir before ART initiation is 157.


§§§ B*07:02/B*07:61/B*07:16.

¶¶¶ B*15:03/B*15:103/B*15:220.

**** B*81:01/B*81:02.