Figure 2.
The membrane current response of naïve hWR in a standard extracellular/intracellular milieu. (A) Each sample trace was a current response to the double light pulses at the membrane potential (Vm) indicated on the depth axis. The symbols indicate the Ipeak/Iend of the first responses (blue filled/open diamonds) and the Ipeak/Iend of the second responses (red filled/open diamonds), respectively. (B) Current-voltage (I-V) relations of the peak response (Ipeak); the first responses (blue symbols) and the second responses (red symbols). (C) I-V relations of the response at pulse end (Iend); the first responses (blue symbols) and the second responses (red symbols). (D) The off-current time constant (τoff) as a function of Vm; the first responses (blue symbols) and the second responses (red symbols behind blue ones).