Figure 7.
Summary of the ion dependency and E129A mutation of hWR-W163F. (A) Comparison of the extrapolated Ipeak zero-current potential among hWR-W163F in a standard milieu (Control), in a low Na+/Cl– milieu (NMG) and that of hWR-E129A-W163F in a low Na+/Cl– milieu (E129A). Box and whisker graphs for the first responses (blue symbols) and the second responses (red symbols). (B) Similar to A, but comparison of the Iend' reversal potential. (C) Similar to A, but comparison of Re/p, the amplitude ratio of Iend'(–80)/Ipeak(80). (D) Similar to A, but comparison of Rs/p, the amplitude ratio of Ishift(80)/Ipeak(80). * and **, p<0.05 and p<0.005, Mann-Whitney U-test. † and ††, p<0.05 and p<0.005, Wilcoxon signed rank test.