Table 2.
Description of the interventions | OVI∗ | Data sources | Assumptions |
Goal: Improving the quality of health service under 5 OPD |
(i) No. of morbidity in the hospital | (i) HMIS reports (ii) KPI reports (iii) EHSTG report |
(i) If the program is functional (ii) If trained professional work in line with IMCI protocol (iii) If enough nurse in under-five OPD (iv) If all information in the IMCI protocol is filed completely |
Objective: Improving the completeness and consistency of IMCI protocol |
(i) No. of children who are safer from repeated infection of the same disease | (i) IMCI protocol registration (ii) Individual folder |
Strategies: (i) Regular and frequent supportive supervision (ii) Training to health worker (iii) Proper placement of health workers |
(i) No. of supervision per week (ii) No. of IMCI trained-health worker (iii) No. of health workers who work in under-five OPD |
(i) Observing program logbook (ii) Human resource department training register (iii) Hospital monthly professional placement logbook |
Activities (i) Select nurse for supervision (ii) Give orientation on how to supervise with programmed and frequent supportive supervision (iii) Giving 5 days training for 20 health professionals on IMCI protocol implementation (iv) Purchasing and preparing the same training materials (v) Conducting a baseline assessment on IMCI training (vi) Preparation of training modules for training (vii) Practical pre-post testing of the trainee on U5 OPD on IMCI training (viii) Assign the nurse in class depending on information get (ix) Give the program to responsible body and post on class and follow (x) Monitoring and evaluation of the result |
EHSTG: Ethiopian Hospitals Standards Treatment Guideline; HMIS: health management information system; IMCI: integrated management of childhood illness; KPI: key performance indicators; OPD: outpatient department; OVI: objectively verifiable indicators; U5: under five.