Figure 2. Maps of Voxelwise Atrophy Rate in GRN Pathogenic Variant Carriers at 3 Levels of Disease Severity.
A, More positive values represent faster rates of atrophy. Based on our hypothesis, only those voxels that show rates of atrophy are presented; extending the color scale to voxels that were estimated to show volume growth would decrease interpretability by compressing the color scale in voxels of interest (those showing volume loss). B, Green voxels are statistically significant at P < .05 after familywise error correction for multiple comparison at each voxel. Statistically significant increased rates of volume loss compared with controls were observed at all stages. In GRN+, the rate of volume loss was fairly uniform across the brain, with little evidence of acceleration between the presymptomatic stage and mild or questionable stage except for a possible area of accelerated atrophy in the putamen. With development of dementia, GRN+ showed accelerated loss of volume in portions of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes bilaterally. CDR + NACC FTLD indicates Clinical Dementia Rating plus National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration.