Number of cagemates |
Prior number of cagemates |
Cagemate relationship (siblings/age-matched, etc.) |
Cagemate relationship (siblings/age-matched, etc.) |
Sexual experience |
Sexual experience |
Age at isolation |
Duration of isolation |
Extent of experimenter handling |
Extent of experimenter handling |
Housing type (size, bedding material, etc.) |
Housing type (size, bedding material, etc.) |
Social rank (if known) |
Social rank (if known) |
Environmental enrichment |
Environmental enrichment |
Proximity of other animals |
Normal or reverse light/dark cycle |
Normal or reverse light/dark cycle |
Measurement of behavioral/neurophysiological parameters |
Time of testing |
Age at testing |
Conditions of behavioral assays |
Stress exposure |
Food/water restriction |
Timeline of conducted experiments |