Cardon et al.
Cardon et al.
• Postural habits:
-EG presented a higher score after the
intervention, after three months and one year for
all the items and total score
-The increase in the total score for the
practical test pre intervention evaluation and
evaluation after a one-year follow-up was +1.14
for CG and +26.5 for EG
-In the evaluation with the hidden camera, the
score was significantly greater in EG (p<0.001)
one year after the intervention
Cardon et al.
• Knowledge acquired:
-↑Knowledge acquired in the immediate post-test
period and follow-up of three months and one year
-The improvement in general knowledge in the
immediate post-test at one year was 33% in EG and
12% in CG; for specific knowledge, 21% in EG and
6% in CG
• Postural habits:
-Self-reporting of checking schoolbag weight: EG
scored higher in the pre- and all post-tests
-Posture when taking the shoes off: EG scored
significantly higher in the post-test at three
months, whereas posture when picking things up and
carrying them was significantly higher in the
immediate post-test and at three months
Cardon et al
• Knowledge acquired:
-↑Knowledge acquired regarding spinal care in EG
and EG+PA (p<0.001); No significant difference
between EG and EG+PA
• Postural habits:
-Total score for spinal care behaviors was
significantly greater in the EG than in CG
(p<0.001) and greater in EG than in EG+PA
Dullien et al.
• Knowledge acquired:
-EG significantly improved their knowledge; there
was a significant interaction between “group” and
“test time” (F (1.123)=11.87, p=0.001)
• Postural habits:
-EG improved their behavior in the water
crate-carrying task; there was a significant
interaction between the factors “group” and “test
time” (F (1.164)=7.93, p=0.005)
Kovacs et al
• Knowledge acquired:
-↑Knowledge acquired with the intervention and
the effect continued to be significant after three
months (p<0.001)
-The success in EG, when compared to CG was 1.61
times greater (CI95%: 1.03-2.52, p=0.038)
Vidal et al