Secondary spread of tomato chlorosis virus. Secondary spread of tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) and control tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) from 10-leaf growth stage near isogenic tomato infected source plants with (ABL 14-8) or without (“Moneymaker,” MM) type IV leaf glandular trichomes and acylsucrose secretions to healthy ABL 14-8 or “Moneymaker” test plants (22 plants in a no-choice test) in medium-scale field experiments (two independently repeated experiments) conducted under warm-season conditions. Virus transmission to test plants was measured several times after virus-free whiteflies (30 Bemisia tabaci adult whiteflies per test plant) were given a 96-h feeding access period. Virus source (first) and test (second) plants are indicated in the figure legends. Asterisk indicates significant differences in virus incidence between the two genotypes at a specific time (LS mean tests, P < 0.05), which appeared only between the combination “Moneymaker” (source)-“Moneymaker” (test) and the other combinations.