Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations of the experimental protocol for the production of calcium-pectinate beads (CPB).
The formation of the beads is based on the ionotropic gelation due to the interaction between the pectin solution and calcium ions. Buchi Encapsulator (B-390) was used to produce beads with a small size (frequency vibration = 700 Hz, liquid flow rate = 12 mL/min, the diameter of the used nozzle = 300 µm). a The beads CPB_placebo are prepared without the presence of L. paracasei ATCC334 and after a curing time of 20 min. b The beads containing L. paracasei ATCC334 are incubated in MRS (pH = 5.8) for different times (from 0 to 48 h) to allow the formation of biofilm-like microcolonies inside the beads (CPB_Biofilm).