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. 2020 Oct 28;10:18524. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75609-1

Table 2.

Cognitive performance at 6 months from stroke.

IVT (n = 38) IVT plus EVT (n = 50) p value
Stroop test
Word reading 33.4 (16.0) 41.5 (11.1) 0.006a
Colour naming 18.4 (10.9) 23.2 (7.8) 0.018a
Trail making test
Part A 90.5 [36.0–307.0] 36.0 [27.0–87.0] 0.005b
Part B 233.5 [57.0–562.0] 73.0 [41–227] 0.003b
Digit span test
Forward 4.8 [3.1–5.3] 5.2 [4.3–5.8] 0.018b
Backward 3.2 [2.0–4.3] 4.1 [3.3–5.0] 0.005b
Coloured Progressive Matrices 25.0 [18.5–31.0] 28.8 [24.5–33.5] 0.016b
Rey complex figure test
Copy 28.0 [21.4–30.6] 30.5 [27.0–31.5] 0.007b
Immediate recall 18.0 [12.6–24.6] 24.3 [18.4–28.1] 0.016b
Delayed recall 16.9 [8.7–20.6] 18.6 [13.7–26.5] 0.022b
Rey auditory verbal learning test 0.081a
Immediate recall 22.9 (11.3) 32.9 (13.7)  < 0.001a
Delayed recall 7.0 (4.1) 8.6 (3.0) 0.038a

Data are mean (SD) or median [IQR]. Higher values indicate worse performance for the Trail Making Tests and better performance for all the other cognitive tests.

EVT endovascular treatment, IVT intravenous thrombolysis.

aTwo-sample t test.

bMann–Whitney test.