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. 2020 Aug 1;13(8):28–35.


Studies using PRP for alopecia areata treatment

Trink et al33
  • Randomized, double-blind, placebo- and active-controlled, half-head, parallel-group study

  • 45 AA patients with chronic, recurring disease of at least 2 years’ duration, and having between four and six symmetrically distributed patches of hair loss

3 injections at 1-month intervals:
  • 1.


  • 2.

    TrA: 2.5 mg/mL

  • 3.

    Distilled water

  • 1.

    36 mL of peripheral blood

  • 2.

    Centrifuged at 70 × g for 8 min

  • 3.

    The PRP fraction was separated and suspended in calcium gluconate.

  • 4.

    Platelet concentration: 3.5×

At 1 year poststudy:
  • Complete remission rate: PRP (60%) > TrA (27%)

  • Regrowth of fully pigmented hair: PRP (96%) > TrA (25%)

  • Relapse rate: PRP (31%) < TrA (71%)

  • The number of dystrophic hairs by dermoscopic photomicrographs decrease

  • Burning or itching sensation decrease

  • Ki-67 increase

Albalat et al34
  • Randomized double-blind study

  • 80 patients

3 to 5 subfollicular injections at 2-week intervals
  • 1.


  • 2.

    TrA: 5 mg/mL

  • 1.

    15mL of venous blood was collected in five special 3mL sterile tubes containing an anticoagulant (sodium citrate 3.8%).

  • 2.

    1st spin: 150 × g for 10 min

  • 3.

    2nd spin 1500 to 2000 × g for 10 min

  • 4.

    Activator: calcium chloride (0.1 mL of CaCl2 per 0.9mL of PRP

  • 5.

    3mL of PRP in total

  • Hair regrowth with improvement: PRP = TrA

  • Relapse rate: PRP (5%) < TrA (25%) at 6 months after treatment

Shumez et al35
  • Nonrandomized controlled study

  • 74 patients (48 TrA, 26 PRP)

3 injections at 3-week intervals:
  • 1.


  • 2.

    TrA: 10mg/mL

  • 1.

    20 mL of blood was drawn

  • 2.

    1st spin: 5,000 rpm for 15 min

  • 3.

    2nd spin: 2000 rpm for 5–10 min

  • 4.

    Activator: 10% calcium chloride (0.3 mL per 1 mL of PRP)

  • Overall improvement: PRP = TrA (100% in the 9th week and on the 3rd month for all patients)

Singh et al36
  • Prospective study

  • 20 patients with longer than 2-year duration

  • 6 subfollicular PRP injections at 4-week intervals

  • 25mL of blood was drawn and the PRP solution obtained from the lab was used within 30 min of its preparation

  • Only one patient had a relapse at the end of 1 year

Donovan et al37
  • Case report

  • Ophiasis-type AA with corticosteroid-resistant and bipolar disorder

  • PRP injection

  • 1.

    Arthrex Angel System (Arthrex Inc., Naples, FL) at a concentration 3.5 times above baseline using a 2% hematocrit setting

  • 2.

    120mL of blood was drawn

  • Hair regrowth was noted by 1 month with robust regrowth of hairs measuring 2.8cm by 3 months

Thamer Mubki38
  • Case report

  • A patient with chronic diffuse AA for more than 5 years

  • Right half of scalp: 4 PRP injections alternated with 4 TrA injection at 2-week intervals

  • Left half of scalp: 4 TrA injections at 4-week intervals; TrA (2.5 mg/mL, total of 4mL); PRP (2–3mL)

  • 1.

    Pure PRP System, Seoul, Korea) containing ACD-A (trisodium citrate, citric acid, and dextrose)

  • 2.

    18mL of blood was drawn

  • 3.

    centrifuged at 1500 × g for 4 min

  • 4.

    The PRP fraction was separated and suspended with calcium chloride

  • The half head treated with the combined therapy showed more hair regrowth (+16% vs. +12%) and larger hair fiber diameter (+35% vs. -4%)

El Taieb et al39
  • Randomized controlled study

  • 90 patients were randomized into three groups (30 patients per group)

  • Topical 5% minoxidil twice daily (six puffs/ time)

  • 3 PRP injections at 1-month intervals

  • Placebo cream

  • 10mL of blood was drawn and placed in two test tubes (5mL each)

  • Centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min

  • The PRP fraction was separated and suspended in calcium gluconate

  • 4mL PRP was used

  • Patients treated with PRP had an earlier response for hair regrowth, reduction in short vellus hair percentage, and dystrophic hair, as compared with patients treated with minoxidil and control.

  • PRP resulted in significant improvements in cases of patchy AA, lesser for alopecia universalis, but not effective for alopecia totalis

  • PRP was more effective in AA treatment than topical minoxidil (5%) in clinical evaluation and dermoscopic findings

AA: alopecia areata; PRP: platelet-rich plasma; TrA: triamcinolone acetonide

PRP>TrA: PRP group showed significantly greater improvement than TrA group; PRP<TrA: PRP group showed significantly lesser improvement than TrA group; PRP=TrA: There was no significant difference between the PRP group and TrA group