Characterization of FRCs freshly isolated from PLNs and SDLNs of NOD and NOR mice and of FRCs after culture in 2D substrates. FRCs were isolated from PLNs and SDLNs of 4-week old and 12-week old NOD and NOR mice by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) of gp38+ CD31− LN cells after CD45+ cell depletion as previously reported25. (a, b) FACS dot plots (a) and gp38 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) (b) of freshly sorted FRCs. Biological replicates (mice) were n = 6 (4 weeks NOD), n = 35 (12 weeks NOD), n = 5 (4weeks NOR), n = 5 (12 weeks NOR). (c–e) Quantification of total number (c), frequency relative to total live LN cells (d) and of total CD45− LN stromal cells (e) FRCs isolated from single SDLNs. (f, g) Phase contrast images (d), FACS dot plot (d) and gp38 MFI (g) of cultured (standard 2D tissue-treated plates) FRCs from PLNs and SDLNs of 12-week old NOR and NOD. Data are representatives of cells at passages 17–21. ns not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.