Fig. 3.
Inhibitory effect of Fer-1 on free radical and enzymatic lipid peroxidation. a) Matrix plot representing the fraction of PEox (red circles), PCox (grey circles), PSox (green circles) and PIox (blue circles) species among the total PLox generated by Fe/ascorbate (top) and RSL3 (bottom) in MLE cells. The total amount of PLox is specified at the bottom of each plot; b) Dot-plot showing amounts of oxidized PL species inhibited by Fer-1 in RSL3 (y-axis) vs. Fe/ascorbate (x-axis). The amount is the difference between RSL3 or Fe/Asc treated cells in the absence and presence of Fer-1 respectively. Larger dot denotes significant differences between the levels in RSL3-Fer-1 and Fe/Asc-Fer-1, smaller dot denotes the non-significant values. Area in dashed rectangle is enlarged as inset, n = 3; c) Cell death induced by Fe/ascorbate (upper panel) and RSL3 (lower panel) in MLE cells. n = 7; d) total PE oxidation in cells exposed to Fe/ascorbate ± Fer-1, RSL3±Fer-1. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)