Fig. 6.
Developmental changes of intestinal musculature in BALB/c and Wsh/Wsh mice.
In embryos of both 14.5 (E14.5) and 18.5 (E18.5) days, the small intestine was observed using c-Kit ACK4 (green) and SMA (red) antibodies. In the BALB/c intestine (A, C), c-Kit immunopositive cells were clearly observed in the myenteric (arrows) and longitudinal layers in E14.5 (A) and myenteric layer (arrows) in E18.5 (C). In the small intestines of Wsh/Wsh mice (B, D), c-Kit immunoreactivity was not observed in both E14.5 (B) and E18.5 (D). The muscular structures of both mice stained with the SMA antibody appeared to be closely similar. Bar: 50 μm.