Fig. 2.
Comparison of reports collected through two passive surveillance programmes, each at two time points. Data are shown for sightings of Agrilus biguttatus (a native beetle) collected through the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) and for Acute Oak Decline (AOD, an emerging decline disease where A. biguttatus has been implicated) collected by Forest Research (Brown et al. 2017b; Doonan et al. 2020). For both datasets, the current distribution of observations is shown alongside maps containing only earliest historical records. a Shows NBN reports before 1987 (when Shirt published a red data book for insects (Shirt 1987)) and b shows all NBN reports to 2017; c shows Forest Research records before 2009 (when Denman and Webber first described AOD (Denman and Webber 2009)) and d shows Forest Research reports up to 2017. Data are discussed further by Baker et al. (2018)