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. 2020 Oct 16;10:545913. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.545913

Table 3.

Late activity (21 days) of single essential oils and blends as measured by zones of inhibition (mm).

Single oils (n = 65) Blends (n = 21)
Essential oil Average (range) Essential oil Average (range) Essential oil Average (range)
Amyris 43.1 (0–80) Howood 49.5 (0–80) Anti-aging 44.8 (9–80)
Arborvitae 49.3 (35–62) Jasmine 29.1 (11–80) Aroma touch 48.1 (0–80)
Austrian fir 48.7 (14–80) Juniper berry 16.6 (0–39) Balancing 24.8 (0–80)
Basil 20.9 (0–80) Labdanum 12 (0–80) Breathe 41 (0–80)
Bergamot 22.3 (12–32) Lavandin 41.4 (0–80) Citrus bliss 31.8 (0–80)
Black cumin seed 7.5 (0–80) Lavender 13.4 (0–80) Clary calm 37.7 (0–80)
Black pepper 16.4 (10–28) Lemon 9.2 (0–20) Clear skin 10.7 (0–52)
Blue chamomile 36.3 (12–80) Lemongrass 80 (27–80) DDR prime 80 (80)
Blue tansy 39.3 (9–80) Lemon myrtle 74.1 (28–80) Deep blue 27.1 (0–80)
Camphor 58.8 (16–80) Lime 13.9 (0–30) Digestion 6.9 (12–80)
Cardamom 19.3 (13–33) Litsea 74.8 (27–80) Elevation 47.3 (9–80)
Cassia 80 (80) Mandarin 25.4 (0–80) Focus 42.2 (0–80)
Catnip 58.9 (31–80) Marjoram 14.9 (0–24) On guard 75.1 (19–80)
Cedarwood 14.6 (10–22) Melaleuca 15.8 (0–80) Purity 52.6 (0–80)
Cilantro 80 (80) Myrrh 13.7 (11–22) Serenity 43.3 (0–80)
Cinnamon 80 (80) Oregano 80 (80) Slim-n-Sassy 60 (8–80)
Citronella 73.3 (15–80) Osmanthus (absolute) 77.1 (36–80) Tension 53.8 (0–80)
Clary sage 15.3 (0–31) Patchouli 38.1 (12–80) Terra Shield 11.1 (0–80)
Clementine 35.3 (0–80) Peppermint 17.1 (0–80) Topical 26.5 (0–80)
Clove 70.3 (0–80) Roman chamomile 9.9 (0–18) Whisper 16.3 (0–80)
Cocoa 19.9 (0–80) Rose 79.4 (70–80) Zendocrine 60.2 (0–80)
Coriander 14.4 (0–74) Rosemary 1.1 (0–17)
Cypress 39.7 (0–60) Sandalwood 17.1 (8–27)
Eucalyptus 6.1 (0–50) Siberian fir 50.9 (15–80)
Fennel 0.94 (0–15) Tangerine 29.7 (0–80)
Fennel (sweet) 10.7 (0–20) Thyme 80 (80)
Fir needle 59.5 (14–80) Vanilla 18.1 (0–80)
Frankincense 0 (0) Vetiver 21.1 (12–32)
Geranium 65.4 (24–80) White fir 19.3 (0–45)
Ginger 30.6 (0–80) Wild orange 6.6 (0–18)
Grapefruit 16.8 (10–30) Wintergreen 2.2 (0–12)
H. Sandalwood 18.3 (0–32) Ylang ylang 14.6 (11–20)
Helichrysum 17 (11–29)