Table 3.
Late activity (21 days) of single essential oils and blends as measured by zones of inhibition (mm).
Single oils (n = 65) | Blends (n = 21) | ||||
Essential oil | Average (range) | Essential oil | Average (range) | Essential oil | Average (range) |
Amyris | 43.1 (0–80) | Howood | 49.5 (0–80) | Anti-aging | 44.8 (9–80) |
Arborvitae | 49.3 (35–62) | Jasmine | 29.1 (11–80) | Aroma touch | 48.1 (0–80) |
Austrian fir | 48.7 (14–80) | Juniper berry | 16.6 (0–39) | Balancing | 24.8 (0–80) |
Basil | 20.9 (0–80) | Labdanum | 12 (0–80) | Breathe | 41 (0–80) |
Bergamot | 22.3 (12–32) | Lavandin | 41.4 (0–80) | Citrus bliss | 31.8 (0–80) |
Black cumin seed | 7.5 (0–80) | Lavender | 13.4 (0–80) | Clary calm | 37.7 (0–80) |
Black pepper | 16.4 (10–28) | Lemon | 9.2 (0–20) | Clear skin | 10.7 (0–52) |
Blue chamomile | 36.3 (12–80) | Lemongrass | 80 (27–80) | DDR prime | 80 (80) |
Blue tansy | 39.3 (9–80) | Lemon myrtle | 74.1 (28–80) | Deep blue | 27.1 (0–80) |
Camphor | 58.8 (16–80) | Lime | 13.9 (0–30) | Digestion | 6.9 (12–80) |
Cardamom | 19.3 (13–33) | Litsea | 74.8 (27–80) | Elevation | 47.3 (9–80) |
Cassia | 80 (80) | Mandarin | 25.4 (0–80) | Focus | 42.2 (0–80) |
Catnip | 58.9 (31–80) | Marjoram | 14.9 (0–24) | On guard | 75.1 (19–80) |
Cedarwood | 14.6 (10–22) | Melaleuca | 15.8 (0–80) | Purity | 52.6 (0–80) |
Cilantro | 80 (80) | Myrrh | 13.7 (11–22) | Serenity | 43.3 (0–80) |
Cinnamon | 80 (80) | Oregano | 80 (80) | Slim-n-Sassy | 60 (8–80) |
Citronella | 73.3 (15–80) | Osmanthus (absolute) | 77.1 (36–80) | Tension | 53.8 (0–80) |
Clary sage | 15.3 (0–31) | Patchouli | 38.1 (12–80) | Terra Shield | 11.1 (0–80) |
Clementine | 35.3 (0–80) | Peppermint | 17.1 (0–80) | Topical | 26.5 (0–80) |
Clove | 70.3 (0–80) | Roman chamomile | 9.9 (0–18) | Whisper | 16.3 (0–80) |
Cocoa | 19.9 (0–80) | Rose | 79.4 (70–80) | Zendocrine | 60.2 (0–80) |
Coriander | 14.4 (0–74) | Rosemary | 1.1 (0–17) | ||
Cypress | 39.7 (0–60) | Sandalwood | 17.1 (8–27) | ||
Eucalyptus | 6.1 (0–50) | Siberian fir | 50.9 (15–80) | ||
Fennel | 0.94 (0–15) | Tangerine | 29.7 (0–80) | ||
Fennel (sweet) | 10.7 (0–20) | Thyme | 80 (80) | ||
Fir needle | 59.5 (14–80) | Vanilla | 18.1 (0–80) | ||
Frankincense | 0 (0) | Vetiver | 21.1 (12–32) | ||
Geranium | 65.4 (24–80) | White fir | 19.3 (0–45) | ||
Ginger | 30.6 (0–80) | Wild orange | 6.6 (0–18) | ||
Grapefruit | 16.8 (10–30) | Wintergreen | 2.2 (0–12) | ||
H. Sandalwood | 18.3 (0–32) | Ylang ylang | 14.6 (11–20) | ||
Helichrysum | 17 (11–29) |