Table 1.
Paradigm | Condition | Example |
RRC | TVRR | “The broker persuaded to sell the stock was sent to jail.” |
TVDO | “The broker persuaded the investor to sell the stock.” | |
IVWR | “The broker planned to sell the stock was sent to jail.” | |
IVCO | “The broker planned to sell the stock.” | |
ORC | ORAI | “The musician that the accident terrified angered the policeman a lot.” |
ORIA | “The accident that the musician witnessed angered the policeman a lot.” | |
SRAI | “The musician that witnessed the accident angered the policeman a lot.” | |
SRIA | “The accident that terrified the musician angered the policeman a lot.” |
RRC, reduced relative clause; ORC, object-relative clause; TVRR, transitive verb, reduced relative; TVDO, transitive verb, direct object; IVWR, intransitive verb, wrong; IVCO, intransitive verb, correct; ORAI, object-relative, animate–inanimate; ORIA, object-relative, inanimate–animate; SRAI, subject-relative, animate–inanimate; SRIA, subject-relative, inanimate–animate.