Regional association plot of the local association results for the risk
locus at chromosome 8 based analysis of 2,387 individuals with CUD and 48,985
controls. Results are from logistic regression and P-values are two-sided. The
index variant (rs56372821) and additional three correlated genome-wide
significant variants (LD with index variant: 0.2 < r2 <
0.7) are marked with letters (a-d), the triangle represents the two-sided
P-value from meta-analysis (inverse variance weighted fixed effects model) with
the replication cohort from deCODE (5,501 individuals with CUD and 301,041
controls). The location and orientation of the genes in the region and the local
estimates of recombination rate is shown. The association P-value (p), odds
ratio (or), minor allele frequency (maf) and imputation info-score (info) is
presented in upper right corner. The horizontal green line represents the
threshold for genome-wide significant (P=5x10−8).