In the analyses, individuals with a psychiatric diagnosis in the iPSYCH
cohort were excluded, one disorder at a time, and an analysis without the
controls was also conducted: without ADHD (woADHD), without autism spectrum
disorder (woASD), without bipolar disorder (woBP), without the iPSYCH control
cohort (woCON), without major depressive disorder (woMDD), without schizophrenia
(woSZ). GWASs were done using logistic regression and P-values are two-sided.
The P-value for association with CUD (P-value), number of cases (cases),
frequency of the minor allele in cases (Freq cases), number of controls (con),
frequency of the minor allele in controls (Freq con), odds ratio (OR) and
standard error (SE), are given. For illustration OR and the corresponding
standard error.