Figure 2.
(Top) Characteristic values of the Hölder exponent: (green line, bottom), (red line, middle), and (blue line, top)—see Equation (9) in Section 2.2 and Figure 3—describing the singularity spectra for the index returns representing 8 the most capitalized cryptocurrencies, calculated in a 30-day-long moving window with a step of five days and for . Each date represent a window that ends on that day. (Upper middle) The same quantities as in the top panel, but here calculated for the BTC/USDT exchange rate returns. Three interesting cases of small are indicated by dashed circles. (Lower middle) Scaling exponent of the cumulative distribution function fitted to tails of the empirical cdf in each moving window position. Values equal or below correspond to Lévy-stable distributions. (Bottom) Total cryptocurrency market capitalization and new Covid-19 cases in the world as function of time. Characteristic events are indicated by vertical dashed lines and Roman numerals: Start of a bull market in April 2019 (event I), its end in July 2019 (event II), the Covid-19 panic in March 2020 (event III), and start of the 2nd wave of the pandemic in May-June 2020 (event IV).