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. 2020 Sep 18;22(9):1043. doi: 10.3390/e22091043

Figure 2.

Figure 2

(Top) Characteristic values of the Hölder exponent: αmin (green line, bottom), α0 (red line, middle), and αmax (blue line, top)—see Equation (9) in Section 2.2 and Figure 3—describing the singularity spectra f(α) for the index returns representing 8 the most capitalized cryptocurrencies, calculated in a 30-day-long moving window with a step of five days and for 3q3. Each date represent a window that ends on that day. (Upper middle) The same quantities as in the top panel, but here calculated for the BTC/USDT exchange rate returns. Three interesting cases of small αmin are indicated by dashed circles. (Lower middle) Scaling exponent γ of the cumulative distribution function fitted to tails of the empirical cdf in each moving window position. Values equal or below γ=2 correspond to Lévy-stable distributions. (Bottom) Total cryptocurrency market capitalization and new Covid-19 cases in the world as function of time. Characteristic events are indicated by vertical dashed lines and Roman numerals: Start of a bull market in April 2019 (event I), its end in July 2019 (event II), the Covid-19 panic in March 2020 (event III), and start of the 2nd wave of the pandemic in May-June 2020 (event IV).