Large gyrencephalic brain with similar neuroanatomy and blood supply to humans |
Two layers of frontal bone with large inter-bone gap |
Similar neurodevelopmental processes and comparable white matter ratio and degree of myelination to humans, striatum is prominent and divided into separate caudate and putamen |
Similar immune system to human |
Susceptible to PERV (porcine endogenous retroviruses) |
Long lifespans (10–20 years) |
Omnivores, digestive system similar to humans, body weight 80–110 kg |
Amenable to frequent blood &CSF collections |
Able to reproduce at 6 months |
Gestation only 4 months |
6–8 piglets per litter, thus relatively easy preparation of experimental groups for preclinical studies |
Relatively easy to maintain in controlled conditions in stables |
Boars have to be stabled separately or castrated. |
Inexpensive to maintain compared to NHP |
Minipigs can learn some cognitive and motoric tests |
Minipigs are tetrapods and so gait and balance are dissimilar to those of humans. |
Minipigs do not have forearms and fine motor skills can be tested only by tongue test |
Genetically modified models exist: |
1. TgHD (N-548) |
–Models long premanifest stage |
–Slow phenotype progression; manifest symptoms late |
–CAG/CAA repeat structure |
–Useful for HTT lowering PK-PD, safety studies |
–two endogenous minipig Htt alleles intact |
–Model access through CHDI/IAPG |
2. KI-HD-85Q (minipig Htt; 82 pure CAG repeats) |
–Model access through CHDI/IAPG |
–100% porcine Htt sequence |
–Useful for HTT lowering PK-PD, safety studies |
–Phenotype not well described |
3. KI-HD-150Q (human HTT exon 1; 150 pure CAG repeats) |
–Models manifest disease |
–Only 40% of F1 piglets survived longer than 5 months |
–Severe disease symptoms may be too rapid for interventional testing |
–Unknown ability to access model |