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. 2020 Mar 11;99(5):2581–2594. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2019.12.049

Table 4.

Effect of meat and bone meal, phytase, antibiotics, and necrotic enteritis on erythrocytes, day 16 post-hatch.

Effects MBM Phy AB RBC (109/mL)12.5–3.5 Hgb (g/dl)17–13 PCV (%)122–52 MCV (fL)1 90–140 MCH (pg)133–47 MCHC (g/dL)126–35 Platelets (106/mL)
Treatment means
 1. 500 2.01 10.9 21.5 107.1 54.4 50.8 0.74b,c
 2. 1,500 2.25 12.3 24.6 109.5 54.8 50.0 2.72a,b
 3. 500 + 2.08 11.2 22.5 108.2 53.9 49.8 3.25a
 4. 1,500 + 2.29 12.6 24.6 107.6 55.1 51.2 1.19a,b,c
 5. + 500 2.01 11.1 21.5 107.2 57.2 53.4 1.43a,b,c
 6. + 1,500 2.15 11.9 23.2 107.7 55.5 51.5 0.62c
 7. + 500 + 2.15 11.7 23.0 107.1 54.3 50.8 0.95b,c
 8. + 1,500 + 2.15 11.8 23.3 108.3 54.6 50.4 1.09b,c
Main effects
AB 2.06b 11.2b 22.12b 107.4 54.9 51.2 1.60
+ 2.21a 12.2b 23.90a 108.3 54.9 50.8 1.40
P > f
MBM 0.548 0.702 0.441 0.392 0.350 0.214 0.006
Phy 0.317 0.465 0.336 0.894 0.290 0.311 0.468
AB 0.027 0.010 0.014 0.182 0.963 0.650 0.564
MBM × Phy 0.901 0.867 0.835 0.616 0.327 0.254 0.458
MBM × AB 0.257 0.178 0.245 0.955 0.400 0.397 0.654
Phy × AB 0.516 0.575 0.398 0.368 0.455 0.281 0.025
MBM × Phy × AB 0.676 0.573 0.902 0.147 0.754 0.855 0.001

a,b,c Means in the same column within the main effect, 2-way interaction, or treatment means with different superscripts are different (P < 0.05).

2- or 3-way interaction separated by Tukey.

Abbreviations: AB, salinomycin 60 ppm in S, G, F; Zn bacitracin 100 ppm in S, G and 50 ppm in F; Hgb, hemoglobin; MBM, meat and bone meal; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; PCV, packed cell volume; Phy, phytase (Quantum Blue 5G); RBC, red blood cells.