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. 2020 Oct 29;10(10):e037323. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037323

Table 1.

Summary of consensus panel ratings for final 26 PC-QIs developed by the (median score on 9-point scale and (IQR)) sources for evidence

Person-centred quality indicators Round 1
remote panel rating
Round 2
face-to-face panel rating
Round 3
remote panel rating
Evidence sources
SR=scoping review
ES=environmental scan
FGD=focus group discussions
Structure indicators (n=7)
 Policy on person-centred care 8 (6—9) Keep 8 (7—8) SR, ES, FGD, I
 Educational programmes on person-centred care 8 (7—9) Keep 8 (7—8) SR, FGD, I
 Culturally competent care 7 (6—9) Keep 8 (7—8) SR, FGD
 Codesigning care in partnership with communities 8 (6—9) Keep 8 (7—8) FGD
 Providing an accommodating and supportive person-centred care environment 7 (5—8) Keep 7 (6—8) SR, FGD
 Healthcare Information technology to support person-centred care 8 (5—9) Keep 8 (7,8) I
 Structures to report person-centred care performance 8 (8—9) Keep 8 (8—9) I
Process indicators (n=16)
 Compassionate care 9 (8—9) Keep 8 (8—9) SR, FGD, I
 Equitable care 8 (7—9) Keep 9 (8—9) SR, FGD, I
 Trusting relationship with healthcare provider 9 (8—9) Keep 8 (8—9) SR, FGD, I
 Timely access to a primary care provider 8 (7—9) Keep 8 (6.5—9) ES, FGD
 Accessing interpreter services 8 (7—9) Keep 8 (7—9) SR, FGD
 Communication with healthcare system 8 (7—9) Keep 8 (8—9) SR, ES, FGD
 Communication between patient and healthcare provider—nurse 8 (7.5—9) Keep 8 (8—9) SR, ES, FGD, I
 Communication between patient and healthcare provider—physician 8 (8—9) Keep 9 (8—9) SR, ES, FGD, I
 Information about taking medication 9 (7—9) Keep 8 (8— 9) SR, ES, FGD
 Communicating test results 8 (7—9) Keep 8 (8—9) SR, FGD
 Coordination of care 9 (7—9) Keep 8 (8—9) SR, ES, FGD
 Patient and caregiver involvement in decisions about their care and treatment 8 (8—9) Keep 9 (8—9) SR, ES, FGD, I
 Engaging patients in managing their own health 8 (7—9) Keep 8 (8—9) SR, ES, FGD, I
 Patient preparation for a care plan at a healthcare facility 8 (7—9) Keep 8 (7—9) SR, ES, FGD
 Transition planning 9 (8—9) Keep 9 (8—9) FGD
 Using patient-reported outcome measures to deliver patient-centred care Not developed Newly developed derived from previous ‘Patient-reported outcomes’ 7 (5—9) Consensus
Outcome indicators (n=2)
 Cost of care—affordability 6.5 (5—9) Keep 7 (5,9) FGDs
 Overall experience 8 (6—9) Keep 9 (7—9) SR, ES
Global indicator (n=1)
 Friends and family test 7 (5—9) 6.5 (2.5—7) 7 (6—8) ES

PC-QIs, person-centred care quality indicators.