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. 2020 Oct 29;10(10):e037136. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037136

Table 4.

Participant characteristics by type

Type Age Sex Retired % (n) More than secondary education Vignette
Maintained PA
Mean 65.4
F=43% (n=6) 57% (8) 35% (n=5) Prior to cancer diagnosis, Jean enjoyed regular participation in Nordic walking. She has enjoyed sport/physical activity throughout life but participated less during working life. She describes a sense of calm leading into her operation as she felt she had done all she could to optimise her health through the ENCOURAGE trial. She talks with passion of the importance of continued regular exercise for her health, wanting to be fit enough to enjoy life with her family and grandchildren and champions others to be active, as well as regular exercise giving her a sense of physical and mental well-being.
Jean talks about having more time to prioritise exercise in her retirement and states that exercise is at the top of her to-do list each week. Exercise sessions are scheduled into her diary in advance each week and are frequently prioritised over other activities.
Jean talks about a love of the outdoors and being active with a particular passion for Nordic walking.
Jean walks regularly with a group and enjoys the social element with lasting friendships with other group members. Female, ENCOURAGE trial.
Intermittent PA
Mean 65.8
F=40% (n=3) 20% (1) 60% (n=3) Sue talks about the importance of physical activity to maintain health and describes its importance due to being overweight and experiencing a myocardial infarction.
Sue describes periods where she exercised regularly but is currently inactive and says ‘I know I should do more’.
Following completion of cardiac rehabilitation, Sue purchased a stationary exercise bike, the intention was to use it every day which she reports doing for a few weeks before stopping.
Sue describes a lack of enjoyment and little change in weight after using her stationary bike. She describes having low mood and a lack of motivation to continue.
Sue also talks about regaining weight she had lost which makes walking and exercising uncomfortable, also reducing her motivation to exercise. Female, ASCOT trial.
Low activity
Mean 68.4
F=50% (n=4) 75% (6) 50% (n=4) Roy describes the presence of a stoma bag ‘slowing him down’ and engaging in less activity since his retirement.
He describes actively seeking opportunities to avoid long periods of sitting and undertakes tasks in and around the home.
Roy perceives himself to be sufficiently active compared with others of a similar age.
Roy talks about walking to get the paper each day but feels more structured exercise is not appropriate for his age.
He also talks about enjoying being able to help family members by completing jobs around the house and does not desire to increase activity levels further.
Male, ASCOT trial.

ASCOT, Advancing Survivor Cancer Outcomes Trial; ENCOURAGE, Efficacy of aN exercise training programme during Concurrent neoadjuvant canceR treAtments trial; PA, physical activity.