Figure 1.
Genetic parameters estimated. Numbers in the diagonal means the heritability for each trait. Numbers under the diagonal means the genetic correlation between traits. Colors ranged from purple to red represents the values of heritability and genetic correlation from negative (−1) to positive (1). Abbreviations: AIBM, average interval between meals; BW21, average body weight at day 21; BW42, average body weight at day 42; BWG, body weight gain; DBWG, daily body weight gain; DFI, daily feed intake; DFR, daily feeding rate; FI, feed intake; FCR, feed conversion ratio; MD, meal duration; MFI, meal feed intake; NM, number of meals per day; NV, number of visits per day; RFI, residual feed intake; TFT, total feed time; VD, visit duration.